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Starting it off with a bang

The headline above was just to grab your attention. Which I assume if your reading this either you are one of my friends and I asked you to check it out or your a random stranger whom stumbled onto it. Either way I am going to thank you for taking your time to read it and furthermore hope you enjoy reading it as well 

As my profile says my name is Christopher Scott I am a close to graduating college student from Boise State whom as the blog title says this is inside the mind of a writer. Currently I am not a published author so this is more or less shall I say inside the mind of someone that wants down the road eventually to be published. As it stands I write a mix of poetry and stories. The larger novel I am working on is more or less on the back burner while i seriously focus on school. But I am constantly whenever I get the chance to writing poetry and in fact usually carry around two black composition notebooks one for poetry and one for a random journal i started writing (helps clear my head and its is soothing). 

Personally I'd probably advise everyone out there to start up their very own blog or ie journal because just putting all those cumbersome sometimes bothersome thoughts down somewhere can really help you sort out all those thoughts inside your head. From experience I find writing to be therapeutic which of course you probably don't need to hear that from me but if nothing else start one up. As i told a friend a while back, " "Bob" go ahead and start writing in a journal or just writing your thoughts down it will help alot" (name changed to protect the innocent guess). 

 We find me in a point of my life where it truly feels like alot of it is going incredibly well. After many rough relationships it seems i finally met first and foremost a best friend someone whom understands me, truly cares about me and second of all someone i truly feel that eventually I can share the world with and more. What they say about great things coming to those people whom wait really holds true for me. Because when Trisha and I gave it a whirl I was burnt out and done with relationships. Had more or less sworn them off because I was truly done getting the short straw so to speak. Needless to say on the 22nd of April we will have been going out for exactly 5 months which rocks for sure 

Currently as well I am saving up for a brand new nice camera. My older camera yes was nice and took excellent pictures wasn't incredible though. So without a single doubt I look forward to that purchase down the road

Well with a month left of this semester I am going to hit the books and do some studying. But I truly hope you enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it. Bare with me I will certaintly try to do my best to make this more concise and through and too the point because god only knows this was fairly rambling so to speak. Hope all is well in your worlds. I'll catch ya on the flip side 


  1. Very nice i look forward to read what is on your mind. Who knows we may write about each other one day. Or Co-Write a book together.

  2. Thanks David *smiles* As I look forward to learning as much as I possibly can about the land of photography and much much more


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