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Showing posts with the label rituals

Its all about that first cup of coffee in the morning and my ritual that comes with it

Readers, Hey everyone I know not much has probably changed in your world's in between my last blog but I decided to write another one based purely around coffee. Actual coffee not the GTA brand coffee. Those of you whom follow this know damned well that I need my coffee and secondly the importance of my morning ritual. Those who drink coffee more regularly I'd imagine probably have that ritual of their own. For me its relaxing doing nothing serious at all...just drinking my first two cups of coffee and doing anything but be productive. Productivity gets put on the back burner until I am finished then its go time  Recently ie as of yesterday, for those who know and have read my blogs previously I do live with my folks while going to college. My mom changed brands of coffee she was buying and purchased some from Winco instead, the fill it yourself. Up to this point, I had gotten used to this rainforest brand coffee from Costco and thought it was okay and hell it was a lot bet