Readers: Hey everyone I hope all's well on your end of things. Today I am feeling "off" and not exactly sure why that is the frustrating thing. One of those off feelings where the drive to seriously tackle anything is more or less grounded. I mean earlier got here about 8:40 and literally messed around on face book instead of getting on math or studying political science. Part of it I think is the acceptance that I've worked my ass off in business statistics and literally I think there is no way that I am going to pass it even if pigs learn to fly and all the sky for a day rains mountain dew (two impossibilities). Thank god my digital camera where I left it on the bus was still there *brushes brow* I think a big part of things is the fact that I haven't heard back from Walmart about when the interviews will be done so as many of you know the getting a job; even more so an internship because that will help me when I graduate from Boise State in the long run. Pa