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Is It True?


Hey everybody I hope all is well in your world's. I am writing a latest update of things seeing as how earlier today I asked her why she suddenly blocked me with out any word at all. Hell its funny how in the end I told myself over and over again knowing wouldn't actually help but there you have it. One thing she said has continued to stay there at the fore front of my mind when she texted me back after essentially telling me that I worried too much, that I killed things that drunken night, that I am neurotic. Probably not exactly in those different words but that was the idea though than she stopped texting me again.

Later out of the blue she texted me again telling me she was sorry but that how could she expect anything else out of things after the night when I screwed up like that. Oh and of course she also threw my words in my face saying essentially that i'd never be with a woman with a kid lol The funny he he ironic fucking thing is that I made it clear with her it was different. Yes naturally once somebody has a kid it is going to change how they handle things but no its not true not everyone so rapidly gets there stuff together that's the truth. Anyways within that she essentially told me that I was no different than the other guys and that I had only wanted one thing that's it.

Of course my brain screams no Chris that's not fucking true!!! Coming rapidly to my defense as I am left dumb founded acting cool I played it so freakin cool even told her i'd catch her on the flip side. Over the day I went to the Y and worked out, played some Wii hunting game and watched the movie Cowboy's vs Aliens but now I am upstairs and its back there at the surface of my mind. I mean after all it can't be true a person whose just in it for sex doesn't go out of his way to get a gift that he knows will mean a lot to that person he is giving it to.

No, I am not going to shut down over this shit that isn't happening. Bobbie is just one woman but its a sad little foree back into the realm of dating though nevertheless. There are a few things I now know without a doubt that my rule of never dating a woman with a child needs to be solid I can't sway from that. If I do sway from it that person has to seriously prove to me they are more than just another girl before I let them inside my world before that my doors nailed shut. Secondly avoid dating younger women at all costs except for there is one woman that is younger than myself that I would give that opportunity to because no matter what shit I wander through I always find myself seriously loving her she'll always have a huge piece in my heart and that girl is named Jodi.

Life is a funny thing sometimes more than anything I have come to realize and be greatful for the many friends I do have in my life who are seriously there for me when everything hits the fan so I know I am not entirely alone. Just have to find myself again. With that I'll catch ya on the flip side

ps: If you're looking for yourself may you find yourself again


  1. Ok...stephy is a little frustrated with you
    "There are a few things I now know without a doubt that my rule of never dating a woman with a child needs to be solid I can't sway from that. If I do sway from it that person has to seriously prove to me they are more than just another girl before I let them inside my world before that my doors nailed shut."
    "not just another girl", what you should be saying is, do I care about this person enough to have her and her child as a part of my life?

    I really dont understand how a women that has a child is a bad choice in dating? Unless your not mature enough or not ready enough, to have a relationship, that would someday involve you being apart of said child, then I understand, but you should admit that, and not put off to the world of bloggers that there is something negative about a women with a child. Maybe I am a bit bias, because I am also a single mother, but sue me. I also would like to point out that having sex, with any women of child birthing age, could very possibly end with a child of your own, so keep that in mind because as easily as "oh shit I didn't pull out in time!" Or a broken condom...the list goes on... Could have you in the very same situation as SOME,not all, single mothers. But, being that you dont seem to be wanting a serious relationship, as in you have probably should stay away from someone who has a child, because it isn't healthy for you to be in and out of that child's view if your not serious about actually being in their life. For your case I would try and date your age, someone in school like you and with a similar life as you. Less conflict and less drama. You are at a point where your getting ready to graduate, and start your adult life out of school, if you cant see yourself being a father figure dont date a women with a child, IF you want to have a lasting relationship with that women, because my dear friend, a women's child is not removable from the picture, and if their child IS in some way, she is not worthy enough to spend your life with... I am sorry if this is harsh, I dont mean it to be, just a different eye on the subject. :)

  2. I didn't entirely mean it like that that I'd never consider being with a woman with a child at all because eventually yes i'd like to have a family of my own that's a definite.

    This blog was more gwarrr grr angry fist pump chest kinda thing considering what happened with her ultimately at the end of things.

    Nothing entirely against single mothers either it takes a lot of work and at the same time props to those in situations they cannot help and they handle things very well like yourself I am proud of you.

    Sorry I offended you so strongly Stephanie


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