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Epic moments are rare


Sometimes in life a great moment occurs in a day that seriously you just wish would get over already and you could conk out and have tomorrow happen occur and you are amazed and startled and inside you cheer with every part of your being. As those whom have been following me since last April I took the break up with my ex Trisha fairly rough hell in fact very rough. But have been over her for a good long while now which rocks.

So for the epicness that is today. Just was passing what is called the ILC and noticed my ex and her little sister walking towards me out of the corner of my eye considering I was partially busy talking to my friend Debbie whose in my interviewing class. Didn't honestly past her much attention in my brain aside from mentally cursing her I was just like okay whatever its cool. Well she must have noticed I was there and when she noticed I was there she literally grabbed her hand and sped walked past me.

Hope you enjoyed this epic moment as much as I did. I'll catch ya on the flip side


  1. I dont know if I would feel the same way, when I see exes I feel that heart jump, but mostly its one of those feelings where I am happy to know I dont have to deal with the problems that they and I had together, I try to be nice say hi and then the good karma's on me ;) I am nice to you aren't I ?;)

  2. Stephanie if you read my previous blogs from back in April you'll understand the break up with Trisha was both not easy at all and very rough.

    I am fine and well with being civil and usually am with most of my ex's there are just some that I could not be that way with


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