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Some changes are a good thing


Hey everyone I hope all is well in your world's. Third blog in a single week kind of crazy right? Nevertheless I think its finally time to talk about some things that are going on in my life. 

First of all on the changes part my Grandma is moving to Idaho. At first when I heard about it I was kind of shocked to put it lightly and decided to avoid writing about it until I finally had all my thoughts together and had assessed how I felt about it all. I think it is truly great she is going to be moving here from Virginia. In fact my mom is headed out there to get her this next week so that will be exciting and they are driving cross country from va to here (talk about a trip they both won't soon forget). Today she turns 87 years old and mind you yes my grandma is incredibly sharp still at 87 years old though she is realizing with medical issues that she can't really take care of herself, secondly it will be great to spend more time with her, thirdly there is a woman there whom has been taking advantage of her kindness. All those reasons together make it a major win win! 

Other things in my life I am looking forward this coming weekend to hanging out with my friend Justin whom is stationed in the Air Force over in North Dakota it will be great to truly catch up and shoot the proverbial shit considering I haven't seen him in at least two years now. I'd consider Justin one of those true friends whom i have been best friends with for quite some time. The kind of friend who you have been through a ton of stuff with and know he'd back me up in a heart beat and vice versa. 

Somedays I am certain that everyone wishes they could pour through one's thoughts with the the greatest of ease it would make life a hell of a lot easier in the long run and we'd avoid saying dumb things (or it would help). Mostly this goes to the confusion with women as a whole. There are a few interests in my world currently. People who for whatever reason make my heart jump a little bit when I turn to thinking about them. Though I feel like a newbie after being involved in two friends with benefits (mind you as I talked about before both became incredible friends as well) so its kind of odd. Plus along the way it seems that some of my *confidence* has gone poof. 

I guess there it is that confusing thing called romance *shrugs* we will see how it all plays out I don't think there will an clear answer any time soon or an understanding either. Though a good friend of mine told me the other day, "Chris, men as a whole over think things to death a lot more often than women do. Just relax and don't pressure whomever your interested in into anything serious. Just have fun and if there is something there other than that it will come as they feel more comfortable with you" so i'll just let it ride. 

With that I am cutting it off here in my world school seems to be catching up to me and feels like I have a lot of assignments coming up due. Overall I cannot agree more with my friend who is already wishing for a winter break. I'll catch ya on the flip side.


  1. very good post, I am happy you get to spend more time with your grandma, and glad that she will be taken care of, that was very upsetting that you said she was being taken advantage of! That is disgusting to say the least, poor lady. As to everything else I like that you have really started coming into your own, admitting that you have your faults, self esteem being low, as one, is very admirable and shows growth. I am proud that you stuck with the two BA's and will be graduating soon enough, just keep going too late to give up now right?
    As for the lady's hmmmm I have a bias opinion of that area so I will stay silent ;)

  2. Thanks. Yeah I am excited for my grandma to be here and too be able to spend Christmas, my birthday and other holidays with her (she just turned 87). As far as the woman taking advantage of her yes it is incredibly disgusting.

    Mmm I have always I think to an extent admitted my own faults here and there except this blog since I started it back in April has taken on a kind of mind of its own. A guaranteed place where for the most part everything is on the table.

    School wise yes I am glad I have stuck it out though I won't lie there have been several times where I have nearly said fuck it. Looking forward to graduating and getting out there into the job market and also be able to focus on my writing more as well.

    Yes the ladies are a confusing bunch he he he mixed signals and all that shit lol Of course you have a biased opinion


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