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The Fun Never Ends and a Hope for Something Good


Hey everybody its been quite a while since I have written one of these. I hope all is well in your world's. As I wrote about in my last blog about the two weeks being hell week. Well it nicely claimed its name with bravado and like a little shit stain with a magnifyine glass he's burning up any ants he can lay his hands on either that or like a woman who discovered the last Twilight movie was cancelled (which of course didn't happen though if it had there would be chaos).

Currently listening to Love, Hate Sex Pain by Godsmack while writing this up. Its just been that kind of past week where it feels like shit hit the fan not in that good way either. First there was the date with this cute girl named Bobbie. To be honest I know I like her quite a bit we seem to click and hit it off perfectly and it feels like like with you readers out there that I can share everything and anything and you don't look at me like I have fifteen screw's lose inside my brain.

The date was fun we went out to eat at Red Robin and there we flirted back and forth and things were good though I did when she ordered a salmon burger went so wow its the first girl that i am dating that likes fish and we went onto talk about how she likes most seafood lol Were obviously not dating bare that in mind it was a wonderful freudian slip though clearly at somewhere in my brain I am thinking after this past April of hell that I think i could probably date this girl. Crazy I guess kind of considering we have been chatting off and on here probably for more than six months but its there though it just feels like the right thing.

With my dinner of clucks and fries I ordered an atomic iced tea which is while yummy is also packed with all kinds of alcohol. Mmm this was fine until the alcohol slipped into my brain. As many of you know I don't cut anything out here I am very straight forward so I am going to do the same with this as well even though it certiantly doesn't put me in the best light the way I look at it now is I am not perfect and yes it lead me to act like an ass at the end of the night that much cannot be denied though I am getting ahead of myself with the joy of story time.

On Friday night Bobbie looked stunning as always she is a natural beauty. One of those rare 10+'s. I say a 10 + because I have never found a solid ten to be sexy because typically those are the ones with the good looks and beyond that can't hold a serious conversation to save their lives! I am not attracted to this in the least the bonus is she is smart, funny and well as i mentioned it feels like she gets me. Now we left there I talked her into a photo by the random christmas tree than we took off and went to the Botanical gardens a glow which as a friend told me when I mentioned that's what we were doing, "Its very romantic"

She was dead right it was incredibly romantic and while fairly coldish id say Bobbie and I were still good to go we flirted some and proceeded to meander our way through the gardens which with all the lights one day is not enough to even come close to seeing everything. The gardens are romantic and the whole lights and everything just sort of takes your breathe away. Managed to steal several kisses throughout the night throughout the gardens that I have no doubt a romance writer would write about. There is a kind of magic in kissing her time seems to stop and were all that matter in that instance.

Things are still going great we took several funny photos like with a giant statue of Saquegia which looks like its creepily peeking down over your shoulder and left there with another freudian slip wandering from my lips this time referring to her as my girlfriend thankfully we laughed that off as well. Rolling out of there we headed back to my house and I was going to be dropped off considering she had plans with her friend that night which was fine with me. Well she had said earlier on in the evening she didn't want to rush things and have sex. I heard that earlier though until later in the car at my house when the alcohol had seeped into my brain and i urged her to come upstairs several times.

The fun moment ended here I am proud to say I didn't try to force her but I was fairly urgent about it only realizing after she got pissed at me for essentially forcing her and not respecting her wishes. With a new found clarity I realized my mistake but the damage had already been done. To say I didn't think about the dissapointed look in her eyes in my sleep and when awake and still don't would be the world's biggest lie in the whole wide world. Currently were on a hiatus she is thinking things over and were going to talk this coming wednesday. On a last minute hopeful whim or something I told her in the days up to that to log when I crossed her mind not just in that what an asshole way either *crosses fingers* I know she has crossed my mind several times.

Now for the other part thankfully my Grandma is okay but Sunday morning my Grandma took a tumble halfway down the stairs. Half awake I heard her yelling for help and ran for my life only to find her at the bottom of the stairs. I could see blood on the floor and didn't know what all was wrong with her but my brain went into freak out mode. Here was my freakin grandma lying on the floor for crying out loud. We got her picked up and well overall she is okay just has two small fractures and a now stiched up right hand so *brushes brow* whew

Mmm its been an crazy two weeks of madness to put it lightly here is to hoping things get better. No matter the outcome i'll let you know about the Bobbie conclusion *shrugs* Maybe its too late but if nothing else I can say I am glad I didn't just give up and toss my hat into the bunch.

Where there is madness there is some good things for sure like for instance my Sansa black mp3 player started working again which rocks so I am currently in the midst of charging that puppy up and I found my digital camera which i couldn't find for the life of me. I hope all is well in your world's i'll catch ya on the flip side


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