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Something Good and Stuff


Hey everybody I know its been more than a week at least since my last blog. Figured i'd hop on here and let you all know yes I am alive I was not abducted by aliens as a Christmas present nor was I sucked into the evil land of Skyrium ie elder scrolls the new game. Life's been well more relaxing in ways and id say its also looking up in other ways.

The last thing I wrote about was the bad date with Bobbie since than we went out to the Botanical Gardens again and went to Garden A Glow which was awesome except we went as friends which actually I am fine with. It was great spending time with her and her daughter. Then we followed that up by us going to the movies and seeing the movie Tin Tin (which she didn't care as much for but apparently had a great time) and really liked her present of a lord of the rings collectors pez set which rocked. For me the best part of the night was seeing the look on her face.

I know everyone is dying to know what the status of our relationship is and currently were just friends. I think its clear were obviously both interested in one another but due to things in our own lives we have decided that rushing things is just bad ju ju all around. You know its crazy to say this but I trust her not too long ago I texted her it was small but she responded though and allowed me to vent that meant probably more than she will ever realize in the swing of things *smiles* Love the fact that I can just be myself and don't feel the pressure to be someone else and that she accepts me thoroughly for who I am.

Sunday was Christmas which rocked I got this new lap top I am currently typing this blog on loving it so far! Its a new HP with the fastest processor in it, has beats audio and all around is a great lap top so far and totally did not expect it. I also got several movie gift cards which rock that's great for sure. Mmm i got some cash. Some candy. New shoes. A new jacket. Just all around a solid haul but what was the greatest gift of all was getting to hold my nephew cameron whom was born a few days before Christmas.

Prior too i have been reading a lot of books killed the latest Sue Grafton novel, killed the new clive cussler alex bell, killed the latest robert ludlum covert one series and have been playing a bunch of the game Skyrium which is a ton of fun and played some Fallout New Vegas which right now is on the back burner we shall see the game kinda pissed me off a bit its far too hard in my opinion.

Well this is getting kinda long but nevertheless it had to be written besides I am not going to bed any time soon have a bloody nose and tissues in each nostrils. Can't believe it January 17th and its back to the land of school. The yogurtz should be opening here soon hopefully sooner rather than later.

I am off for now. Hope all is well in your world's and hope everyone has a great new years! I'll catch ya in the flip side


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