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I Survived That Piano Wasn't Meant For Muah


Hey everyone I hope all's going great in you're world's. No, doubt those of you are wondering whether that proverbial piano fell and crushed me into a million little pieces of nothing and considering I am still writing this and the title indicates it wasn't meant for me it seems well clearly it wasn't meant for me. To a degree I think its natural to worry about meeting a girlfriend's father; because they are the ones that will decide you're fate as their boyfriend. Okay yes you can go the route of oh it doesn't matter whether the parents like you are not but in reality the truth is it is much better to have an incredible relationship with the parents because it goes a long way. No fights occur and no one gets cut out of any will excreta. Of course this isn't about a will it was about whether her father liked me or not simple as that and was I solid enough material for his daughter Jolene.

Since last night I haven't spoken to Jolene but I gather from how things went though that he did like me and did approve of me as the boyfriend material which is awesome *wipes brow* Whew. Just tuning in now many of you whom didn't read my blogs starting from the beginning may be wondering why I am so open and honest like this? Its simple because when I first started writing this it was initially about a relationship going well and than about it falling apart and than about me dealing with a hardcore depression and lastly dealing with my own battle and ultimately finding that will to live which I must say nothing is ever worth ending you're life over! Live life to its fullest that may sound cheesy and over used but its so true and so that is why I am so open and honest with everything I write on here because I find it helps me and in helping me i'd hope it helps somebody else out there by reading my blatant honesty and seeing that nobody is alone truly.

My girlfriend Jolene and her dad got in about 4:30 and picked me up than it was off to get some food but before that her dad needed to get some socks so we went to Cabela's which as I have talked about I love the place I think it is a great store. While we meandered over to Cabela's in the hunt for socks Jolene went to Plato's closet and no doubt found herself in a kind of heaven of sorts. That is how I like to think of it from a woman's perspective like say when I go into Game Stop and it takes everything for me not to do summer salts and flip myself up onto the counter and say, "I am here" (except in my case if I truly tried something like that i'd probably knock over a few cases and crash into a wall of games and end up in dog pile of video games). Maybe if this whole concept or idea can be confirmed that would be wonderful hell or maybe I could just simply ask somebody? But eh its more fun this way so please somebody comment below telling me what happens from a woman's mind when you walk into a clothing store.

So, as I was saying Jolene's dad and I went to Cabela's where we proceeded to hunt down to some socks for him. I can't say what happened in Jolene's world maybe she was greeted by a man in a fireman outfit who glided down a pole and than handed her a gift card for twenty dollars to use throughout Plato's Closet or doves took flight when she walked into the store recognizing the bad assness of such things from everyone having seen the movie 21 Jump Street. For four pairs of black socks it came to exactly twenty dollars; which is shocking to me why would socks cost so much? I mean its not like they are made from gold and or knitted by hand by a bunch of magical elves who sing a sacred song while they work. Nevertheless we survived got our things and than I met up with Jolene and we left. By than we had managed to spend quite a bit of time going through Cabela's which I don't have a problem with but it didn't leave us any time to sit down and eat somewhere though like originally intended.

No worries we dropped by Taco Bell and I grabbed some food and they dropped me by bsu and it was off to my night class. Class ended early and I met up with her and her father at Corona Village. I hadn't planned to eat anything but one of the people was really nice there and gave me one of their tamales because as he put it, "I am full you want this?" and of course I said sure. Seeing my girl in the element with everyone including her boss whom I did meet that day I found myself so proud of her. While nervous amongst the crowd she didn't show it a bit and held herself very well. From Corona Village we went to the mall where Jolene returned some things and her dad bought some pants.

The evening wrapped up quite nicely with a kiss from Jolene and a big hug telling her good-bye for now. In between the conference and the math test tomorrow life has me in a choke hold and has her incredibly busy. Yes I wish we could spend more time together but before I know it this class will be over and i'll be moving forward. I am determined to not let this class own me this time. No, I am going to make it my bitch end of story. Yesterday I woke up early and worked on math until I stopped to eat some breakfast than worked on more math until I stopped to eat lunch and worked on more math until I left around 5:20 to go to school for my night class.

Jolene came over last night for a bit we went to Fancy Freeze (which is probably the best ice cream place ever) and of course Yogurtz is the best yogurt place in Idaho! It was wonderful to lay there and hold her in my arms and talk she truly is an incredible woman and makes me feel like a kind of god. I've never loved anyone else like I love her so much. Before I forget she totally got me this batman shirt. Surprised the hell out of me apparently she has never randomly bought her other boyfriends random gifts so I am kind of special then:

Rocking The Batman Shirt!

Loving the new batman shirt she got me and in fact wore it to school yesterday. She may come over Thursday night we shall see or may not depends on how her schedule works out. If not we had an incredible time together and I no doubt love her. I'll catch ya on the flip side


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