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The Big 100


Hey everyone I hope all's going well in you're world's. I can't believe it this is the 100th blog! I really tried to think about what I could do to amp things up some. Maybe hire some dancing girls to do a live video, do a live blog from the top of the empire state building, or lastly do a thousand frog hops along the golden gate bridge. But let's face it the first one would require a lot of money and also decided my girlfriend as awesome as she is probably wouldn't be two cool with that so I nixed it. Secondly even getting to the top of the empire state building in the first place would be neigh if not impossible and i'd probably land myself in jail. Lastly a thousand frog hops as epic as it may well be along the golden gate bridge I think also might make me a hopper for life and that does not sound like fun at all.

I know not everyone comments on what I do write but I want to take a moment and thank you for reading it because yes I notice the numbers of people who read them and it makes me smile to think someone wants to take the time in their no doubt busy day to make me a part of their lives. You guys make my day and you guys are the reason I continue to write these. Of course I also write them because it helps me in ways clear the thoughts from my head. To those people who follow this you guys rock! From my good friend Amy to my friend David to a good friend of mine who apparently is following me though I don't have a feeling she reads these anymore *shrugs* If she still does cool if not no worries.

Yesterday I worked on math for a total of eight hours and stopped only because the next cup of coffee wouldn't clear the fog out of my brain and as much as I wanted to stay up and read and relax at that point my brain was ready to crash so I crashed hard. The day before that I just unwinded and relaxed watched the movie De Ja Vu and ultimately went downtown Boise with my good friend David Blake to take photographs of the mainstreet mile which was a truly fun event to photograph. I feel like I got a lot of awesome shots and well had a lot of fun and realized how much I have missed the photo adventures which as of late haven't really had much time with considering I am busy with school.

Stoked for September 15th I am going to Uproar Festival at the Idaho Center with my girlfriend Jolene all told it was $45.00/ ticket but no doubt it will be worth it and besides the money will make up itself and I get to have an incredible time with my girl and hope my good friend Randy can make it there as well. A full day of bands Staind, Godsmack, POD, Papa Roach, Adeleta's Way and Shinedown as the main bands and lots of others as well. Can't wait I know for sure Godsmack and Shinedown are incredible live i've never seen the others in concert though.

I am looking forward to working at Gourdman's in meridian this Monday and Wednesday. I am even more exciting for the store to open. Overall so far it seems like it will be an great place to work and a lot of fun with great managers. So in between that i'll also be going to my night class which should work out perfectly and i'll be working while going to school this fall. I'll be able to do it because I am only taking one class this next semester

Right now listening to Shinedown and getting back to work on math. Thanks again for keeping up with what I write. I'll catch ya on the flip side


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