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Relaxation is a joy after the study binge


Hey everyone I hope everyone is doing great in you're world's. I am just sitting here relaxing had a wonderful evening going out to eat with my girlfriend Jolene, her dad, and two people that came for the conference for the company she works for that handles the different apartment complexes (company name slips my mind right now) we settled on Busters downtown Boise. Great food and good conversation after that we went back to the hotel and hung out and Jolene and I stayed up and chatted probably till about 1:30 outside with our feet dangled in the hot tub and than crashed. Morning came fairly earlyish but once I got my coffee I was good to go. Got things packed up and ready to go than grabbed some breakfast from the pretty good continental breakfast at the Marriott while her dad grabbed a desk and different things.

After what feels like a nonstop never-ending study binge for the last few days even getting up at 5:10 yesterday morning to try to soak up as much math as I possibly could to own my first calculus test. Overall I am fairly sure I wish I had waited to take the class during a regular semester i'll wait to share my final thoughts on the teacher and the class at the end but so far I am not very impressed to put it lightly. So I took my exam which I am certain I at least got a C on for sure we shall see haven't seen my grade yet but I am fairly certain I felt good on what I did write down and workout except for probably at least one of them.

Following the math test it was off to Gourdman's for training on the registers on the store. Were officially opening here later on in July. I am looking forward to it opening but still have some things to learn but I feel confident on the registers and have no doubt once I use them more I will be more comfortable. This next week I work two days doing store set up and clearing off the trucks which will work out perfectly after all i am also in school at nights. I'll be doing noon shifts which should work out perfectly overall. It will be nice to work for a company that has great products and also it will be nice to get some money coming in as well. After the training on the registers I met up with Jolene and her dad to go out to eat (talked about that above). Consider this to be one of those movies in which you see the end and round back to the beginning.

Recently watched the movie Act Of Valor talk about an truly powerful movie its well worth watching for sure an excellent story and excellent movie. There is no doubt in my mind brave men and women are out there doing just that and keeping this country safe for that I am eternally grateful. So check it out a good 5+:

Also some incredible music to recommend the latest Lee Brice album, the latest Kenny Chesney, the latest Linkin Park and lastly the latest Offspring album all are incredibly good! Check them out you will not be dissapointed far from it. 

All in all I had an excellent week and these last two days seeing Jolene were wonderful and made me realize how much more I love this girl so much. She truly is incredible and I consider myself incredibly lucky to have her in my life. Can't believe were at about nine months now going out solidly. I have no doubt we will make it many more months too come. 

With all that said I am off for now. I'll catch ya on the flip side 

ps: Its still mind blowing to think Queensryche is officially done 


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