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Good news time


Hey everyone I hope all's great in your world's. I am currently listening to Queensryche's album Hear In The New Frontier (which is an epic album for sure) but than again you can't go wrong with anything by Queensryche as you know they are defently my all time favorite band and if you haven't ever heard of them you should get on checking them out asap. Several good things today first of all its beautiful outside mind you I have been busy slaving away on math so haven't spent much time outside but it was super rainy but now its bright and sunny outside so that is great.

Got home yesterday from my brother Robbie's house to find two shot glasses sitting on the dresser as you come into my room. An English one with the name of the place currently slipping my mind and secondly a really nice solid glass one obviously no doubt my grandma found them in her things and left them for me and it she was asleep so I wasn't able to tell her thanks and nor was I able to tell her thanks when I left this morning but they are an awesome addition to my shot glass collection. Yes I collect shot glasses and no that is not because I am a heavy drinker I actually just started collecting them years ago and think they are a pretty neat memory from a particular place i've visited in the past its rapidly grown now its probably up to about 27 shot glasses; all unique and different in their own right. Probably my favorite though is my Yoda star wars shot glass my girl got for me over spring break and I have several other really awesome ones as well. So i'll thank her when I get home later on.

I am stoked tomorrow I am MAYBE still going to the zoo who knows we shall see I am kinda tight on funds right now *crosses fingers* that would be earlier in the day around 10:30ish and than i'd come back and go directly to my political science class which some awesome news in there since my last exam I am now carrying a 96 % in that class which pretty much rocks. Later on in the evening I am photographing the Trashison show its a fashion show with clothes designed by a woman named Krista Peterson. It will be an excellent opportunity to expand my ability and they've said that I can use any of the photographs i've taken as long as I pass them onto the Boise State Sustainability club; I am going to be photographing that with my friend David and of course we also have to recognize her as well which won't be a problem.

In the Love Department things are solid as ever with Jolene. We have our moments like any couple where we are like I don't know about this but I have never truly loved anyone as much as I love her and nor felt so cared about either. Love the fact that we can both be goof balls together and also on the other hand be totally serious. She is so passionate and so outgoing and when she starts something she tackles it whole heartily. Mmm she is flipping awesome I am lucky as hell for sure this I realize every day.

In the job realm at last in a few days Walmart is going to contact me to conduct a phone interview for that Management Trainee position/internship for the summer which I am stoked for *crosses fingers* Hope I really land this job if you could keep me in you're prayers for this i'd appreciate it!  As a fall back I have also applied for an management trainee position with Target though I really would like the Walmart one more considering I've been striving so long for it and I am hopeful.

Lastly dealing with the office of SHIP ie student health insurance here at boise state I put in a waiver to wave it this past June and I ended up having to dispute it even though I did that and at last with 70 dollar charge which rapidly became a 695 dollar charge today got entirely wiped from my account. As annoyed as I was I am glad I listened to my dad who was like just be calm being angry doesn't help a thing it will simply make them reluctant to help you. So that is a great feeling for sure.

On the school end I am signed up to take Business Statistics in the fall semester which is kind of lame but oh well in the long run apparently that is truly the best way to go. So just maybe I can work while taking that class or something *shrugs* We'll see exactly how that all plays off but I am truly hoping I end up killing my math and killing my political science. Can't believe it so actually right now there is one more regular week than the next week is dead week and than finals week. Can't wait to see my girl she will be here at the end of next week so that will be very nice to see her.

Now to get back to tackling my math and really prepare better for my math quiz tomorrow in class this time. I'll catch ya on the flip side


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