Hey everyone I hope all's great on your end. I can't quite believe this is the final regular week of school and than I have 'dead' week which is supposed to imply that teachers don't give you anything new etc but that very rarely ever actually happens but the one thing thank god they are not allowed to do is throw a test in the middle of that week *releases thankful breathe of air* so its official I have realized that their is probably no way I can salvage Business Statistics but oh well I gave it my best and didn't get it so I will more than likely either be taking it this summer while working either that or waiting to take it the next semester which i'd of course prefer to not do so.
So with that acceptance I now need to focus entirely on my math 160; which yes will be tough to grab that C in there but if I stick it out and kick some ass and take some names like nobodies business I got a good feeling I can if I don't get that solid C I can at least get the C- that I need which will be great than I can move on and go woot that is my last math class that I am technically taking at Boise State even though that isn't entirely true considering there is plenty of math in the next stat's classes that I have to take and so forth and on the other hand own Political Science and my swimming class won't be an issue there is absolutely no final swim or anything in that class.
On the romance side its a constant battle day and day out to struggle and push past my previous doubts as I talk to Jolene more and more I truly do realize how lucky I am. With her I literally feel like a little kid all the time around her with a crush and she makes me feel entirely alive. Talk about lifting me out of that pit of fuck love to a new kind of hey I can do this I have myself an incredible girl. Without a single doubt in my mind I love her a hell of a lot as you have probably read from time to time. We've both been through hell on both ends of things so I realize in ways this won't be easy but together I have no doubt we can stick it out and be more solid than ever.
As if I truly have time to watch a movie I watched the movie War Horse this weekend. Throughout the week and previously friends have spoken about how great it is. I was thinking oh okay its probably going to be good I had no idea how truly good it was. But wow I was blown away as many of you know I am the sappy romantic and this is not your 'typical' movie either if you have seen the previews it doesn't quite dictate the truly amazing story overall of this one. Its not another Black Beauty or that one movie about the pig that we all recall being horrid as kids but partially loving so damn much. I seriously would say it deserves a solid 5 + (in my book as many of you know who follow me or for those that don't i'd say its a must own) its very rare when I say you must truly own a movie.
Now for some new music that rocks! You have to check out the new Train album its a really solid cd with only twelve tracks but totally worth it a lot of powerful stuff on it:
Hey everyone I hope all's great on your end. I can't quite believe this is the final regular week of school and than I have 'dead' week which is supposed to imply that teachers don't give you anything new etc but that very rarely ever actually happens but the one thing thank god they are not allowed to do is throw a test in the middle of that week *releases thankful breathe of air* so its official I have realized that their is probably no way I can salvage Business Statistics but oh well I gave it my best and didn't get it so I will more than likely either be taking it this summer while working either that or waiting to take it the next semester which i'd of course prefer to not do so.
So with that acceptance I now need to focus entirely on my math 160; which yes will be tough to grab that C in there but if I stick it out and kick some ass and take some names like nobodies business I got a good feeling I can if I don't get that solid C I can at least get the C- that I need which will be great than I can move on and go woot that is my last math class that I am technically taking at Boise State even though that isn't entirely true considering there is plenty of math in the next stat's classes that I have to take and so forth and on the other hand own Political Science and my swimming class won't be an issue there is absolutely no final swim or anything in that class.
On the romance side its a constant battle day and day out to struggle and push past my previous doubts as I talk to Jolene more and more I truly do realize how lucky I am. With her I literally feel like a little kid all the time around her with a crush and she makes me feel entirely alive. Talk about lifting me out of that pit of fuck love to a new kind of hey I can do this I have myself an incredible girl. Without a single doubt in my mind I love her a hell of a lot as you have probably read from time to time. We've both been through hell on both ends of things so I realize in ways this won't be easy but together I have no doubt we can stick it out and be more solid than ever.
Now for some new music that rocks! You have to check out the new Train album its a really solid cd with only twelve tracks but totally worth it a lot of powerful stuff on it:
A second album which blew me away is the new Dragon Force cd which many of you probably know them or the song Through The Fire And Flames aka guitar hero but of course they have a lot more bad ass songs. For those more serious fans out there yeah they changed the lead singer but the new guy is great and more or less sounds just like the first one so its defently worth checking out as well you will not be dissapointed:
Well from here on out its essentially hell week's! So wish me luck and good luck if any of you are also busy with classes hope you own them. Check out the tunes they are awesome and really do check out the movie Warhorse. I'll catch ya on the flip side
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