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5 more weeks and counting


Hey everyone I hope all's well in your world's. On my end it literally feels like I am doing a count down can't believe scary enough that there are only five more weeks left and I am done with this semester of school! There is a part of me that is like yes! Jumping for joy I mean its freedom for spring break kinda thing but the other side of me is worried about my stat's and my math class which are in ways getting easier and in other ways seem to be getting more difficult so its a mixed battle and I think it always has been with those two classes *shrugs*

This next week is Easter which unlike last year I am truly looking forward to. Its like last year around this time I was struggling through the end of things with Trisha and of course hadn't quite accepted it so in my mind I was like blah looking forward to her being here etc in fact I think when talking to a friend I ruined a notebook but I am glad to say I am past that and that I truly have a wonderful girl friend who gets me as I have no doubt talked about her to death (yes I won't make this all about her) though I am excited as hell to have her spend the weekend and be here for Easter which is a time in which I get to spend time with my whole family including my cousin Josh and his girlfriend which is really nice.

Usually how it works is we go to church in the morning than come home and relax maybe do easter baskets lol Though I think after last year my mom may finally be like you guys are too old for them lmao We shall see what goes down with that considering last year was the end of christmas stockings because my mom was like I really don't know what to put in them anymore *crosses fingers* Than we do the infamous money Easter egg hunt which is a pretty huge deal my brother Mike and my sister in law Jen team up to find the eggs, my bro robbie and his wife/ my sister in law Andrea break up to hunt them down and its great this year I will have a partner in crime to help hunt for them. This is defently no kid's hunt its pretty serious my dad hides them in ridiculous places but that is the thrill of it all though of course a new venue this year my brother's house will change things up some than again don't want my niece swimming in the pond that would not be good

After that we all relax and count our winnings than usually do dinner together. As a whole I love it because its a great time to spend time with my family who I love very much. There is no doubt in my mind that I am grateful to have very loving and supportive parents and brothers and awesome sister in law's and now an incredible girl friend

So after my Stat's class I take my stat's test *crosses fingers* Here is to truly hoping this stuff stays with me this time that would be awesome. I got a mid sixty on my math test which isn't great but it isn't horrible either at this point I am just seriously shooting for a C- because Calculus while in ways I feel like I understand it and get it in other ways I realize I don't and have gradually just come to accept that it isn't my strong point so that is how that goes and the following week I have my poli sci exam which I will blow out of the water this time

As of late I have gotten quite a bit of new music like the new Obie Trice cd which is spectacular he is a great rapper and as a whole its defently an album to own! Then new Rascal Flat's album is kinda odd we'll see I will give it a few more listens but my initial opinion is its not really very good. Oh the new All American Rejects album is great stuff though well worth owning as well and of course can't forget the new My Darkest Day's cd which rocks!!!!

Here is a short trip inside my head. I hope all's going great on your ends of things. I'll catch ya on the flip side


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