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The Countdown Begins


Hey everyone I hope all's going great in you're world's. On my end literally I am doing that countdown until the end of the semester. Right now have this next week and than the next is finals week and I am free. On the whole TRASHION fashion show as an photographer during the event I seriously was kind of all over the place wasn't too happy because my camera didn't see too be working etc and lo and behold later as in yesterday I went through my photographs and I got more than 8 solid photographs that I would say wow about! If you're an artist of some sort or so you are you're own worst critic hands down. My best friend David Blake was there as well taking pictures it was great to have someone whom knew exactly what they were doing to give me some instruction on how to grab those photographs
Jenna my contact within the club

I'll share a few of those photos and before I do so I must give thanks to The Boise State Sustainability Club, Krista Peterson whose creative mind made the fashion show possible and lastly of course BRIDGEPORT whom apparently had an opportunity to glance at my photographs and said they looked fairly awesome which that makes me feel good so with no further ado here are quite a few for you're viewing pleasure:

The models

So as with technology for some reason not all my photographs are even uploading correctly on Blogger which is majorly lame but oh well alas sometimes everything doesn't work out perfectly. If for any reason you'd like to see more of them feel free to check out my Deviant Art page and or facebook page

Overall I feel like I got a lot of solid photographs from the Trashion Show Fashion shoot and it was an excellent experience as I figured it would be to grow as a photographer. Annually I'll for sure be doing the fashion show and as the years progress the only thing that can truly occur is I can grow and become an even better photographer. Mentally as far as school goes my brain has more or less checked out but I know that I can crack down and take on these classes in fact in about 30ish minutes I am taking my last math exam before my final *crosses fingers* Just hope all the work I've done is enough to conquer this test and own it this time

In a few hours i'll be seeing my girlfriend Jolene who is awesome and while a complicated woman I love her very much and wouldn't have her any other way. Hell no doubt we'll have our grr moments over the years but together I have no doubt in my mind that we can make this last. Make this last through all the garbage and everything that people may toss our way. This weekend will be a combination of spending time with her, hopefully going to Rooster Tail which is where they clear the dam every once in a good while its apparently pretty damn spectacular we'll see how that aspect plays out.

Before I forget as far as the Walmart Internship goes I went to an interview yesterday out in Nampa and as a whole I feel it went well though as you're own worst critic I can do all the well I should have done this or I should have done that but at the end of the day I think I truly did put my best foot forward let's just hope that when the interviews are done that he chooses me too be one of the 16 internship candidates. It would be a 10 week program go from June till August which will be perfect! Let's see how that all plays out and hope for the best of course you know i'll be counting down the calender or something like that.

With that I am gonna run hope all's well in your world's and for those whom have finals may you kick their asses. I'll catch ya on the flip side


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