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Life is good


Hey everyone I hope all's going great in you're world's. Intentions are good sometimes though life seems to have grabbed hold and I meant to finish up a new blog and in fact plan to actually update this more regularly as well so I am not just piling everything together and mixing things up because I don't recall everything exactly as they unfolded that day. Either way here we go tomorrow I start up at Boise State for a summer pre calculus math course (we'll see) it will be an evening class that goes from six to nine at night and more likely than not i'll be working part time as well at Gordman's in meridian part time during the day which I am thinking should work out overall.

Please bare in mind as I write this anything that I say about Gordman's is not the opinion of the company it is simply my thoughts though of course while some days may be frustrating I am not going to pile it all on here and turn this into a grr fest though of course understandably I may need to relax somedays though I am going to attempt to stick to not writing anything negative about a day because let's face it everyone has that 'bad' day so i don't want it to seem like my day is any worse or any better than anyone else's. I am truly looking forward to working at Gourdman's it should be a great company to work for! I'll be an floor associate so not sure exactly which department i'll be working in yet but i'd imagine all over the place so i'll get an opportunity to truly learn a wide range of different areas which will be great. They have a stadium sports seating area in the men's department where they will be playing ESPN on a big flat screen tv which will be a nice element. There is a giggles theater for kids so if you are in there shopping one doesn't have to worry and the kids can hang out and watch whatever is being played at the time.

Overall life is going great as I was reflecting previously before clearing it so essentially I could start over shooting pictures at the Veterans Cemetery during memorial day for me was an incredible experience. As many of you know I have always been and still am an ardent supporter of the military and even go out of my way to thank someone for serving when and if i see someone out and about or a past veteran wearing a hat or I learn of someone's service I thank them over and above for what they did. So for me it was a powerful experience being on the other end of the camera snapping photos of for instance I got a great shot of a girl with one hand on the grave gazing at it longingly (no dry eye at all), another one I got of a line of the Marines whom were doing the gun salute in between the national anthem and I snapped some pictures that one really stood out to me. Currently for whatever reason this is not allowing me to post pictures that I have taken so whenever the bugs get worked out I will share some but for now go check out my page on facebook (Inside The Mind Of A Photographer)

School is going to be a lot of work but I believe I can get it this time and own it and this next semester end up taking my business statistics 207 and beat it as well. I am this close to graduating and I know without a single doubt that I can do it! I love the fact that I have such a supporting and loving girlfriend who seriously supports me above and beyond with the school stuff and she understands how much work goes into it. For that I cannot begin to thank her enough ten thousand different thank you's couldn't begin to hit the head on the nail with this one.

I can't believe how many different shows are starting up again here soon and I watched the first several episodes of that show Hell On Wheels and it is awesome! Can't wait Dexter will be starting again soon, Walking Dead, more than likely Boardwalk Empire which will be thrilling to see what happens next with that one. Can't quite believe the show Alive is over and the ending was fairly so so they didn't really conclude the show solidly at all. Watched the movie The Woman In Black and it wasn't bad i'd probably give it a five not something you need to own own persay though.

Well that for now covers things with a bow of sorts wrapping it up nicely. I hope all is well in your world's. And i'll catch ya on the flip side    


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