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Home Stretch


Hey everyone I hope all's well on your end of things. This is it so to speak the home stretch just six days of kicking ass and taking names! As I originally thought the math was lost well it isn't lost in fact all I have to do in order to get a C in class is do better than my highest math test in class in order to get a C and that highest grade was a 57 percent. But even with that in mind that seriously means I crack down on this material and split the time between that and tackling my political science and go out with a boom; have a total George Carlin kinda moment, "When I die I want to randomly internally combust on a city bus" except death is not in order for this but something epic though.

This past weekend was great I spent time with Jolene and on Friday night we got bbq pulled pork from Bob's bbq in eagle which was yummy and together went to the movies. I have been fairly stoked to see the movie Safe with Jason Stratum; and in my mind it was just as incredible as I thought it was going to be if not even more so. Jolene wasn't too crazy about it *shrugs* So just maybe its not everyone's cup of tea but i'd truly give it a solid 5 + as in you must go see it in the Theater! Great acting, great writing, powerful story, great fight scenes and just all around I believe has something for everyone. It leaves you rooting for Stratum's character which is the way a damn good movie should be.

Following the movie up by grabbing some photographs in the photo booth which while being five dollars it is a lot of fun! I'd say go for it five dollars is five dollars ultimately it is something you'll remember doing together. I'd post those photographs if they weren't on smaller sleeves. From there we went to the sports bar nearby she got a drink and I got a coke and we sat and visited and talked than got up and walked around considering it was a very nice night. Prior to going home we went over to Walmart and looked around at stuff which turned into us looking for a present for my mom with not much luck we didn't find anything though I did find out several things for sure that she likes for the future which is always good to know. Not long after we went home and more or less conked right out considering it had been a fairly long day and she had had a long bus ride to Boise. I'd say it was defently a great Friday.

Saturday my mom's real birthday we woke up about 8ish and went to breakfast at the Express Cafe in Meridian which is a great place. It was nice to be there with my family minus Michael and Jen but my brother Robbie and Andrea were there and my grandma and of course my mom and dad. I have real hard time straying towards something else new so I ordered my usual breakfast burrito and Jolene got a breakfast burrito as well and she seemed to really love it! Of course as always the portions are huge so I got mine split so I could eat it for lunch during the week because its always really good than. From there at first as par was going to go to my brother Robbie's house to work on math but that fell through because he had plans so got home and it was onto the mall.

I've officially decided they should have a Man Cave inside the mall near the Cosmetics section and or maybe even within the mall because yes its nice to look at clothes with you're loved one but after a while it gets tedious and old and you really don't want to be that "complainer" so in between shopping you could go off to the man cave and relax until they are finished. Anyways the first stop was the cosmetics area to pick up this face cream for my mom for her birthday and from there my girlfriend picked out some makeup, got a perfume refill and what not. So throughout these purchases she accumulated a considerable amount of one dollar bills and asked an associate to exchange the money out for her into just like a twenty and a ten nothing major. Well the associate apparently was unable to do so so she told us she would call the manager over to help us.

20ish minutes later were partially distracted looking at things and finally a woman comes over and helps us apologizing for the wait and how sorry she was blah blah blah and we thought for sure okay this is the manager and lo and behold it wasn't. The Manager showed up a few minutes after this woman was helping us at least who turned out to be the manager. Instantly she told us no its not part of Macy's policy to open the register we can't get change *raises an eyebrow* Seems like a pretty stupid policy to me but anyways the real arose from her response to my next point....I told her well we bought quite a few things and she told me well thank you I appreciate that and followed that up by saying we are not a bank there is a bank around the corner they can help you. Needless to say we were both astounded and I did contact management above her she is out of town but hopefully i'll hear back from her on the 7th. Currently as it stands I am sickened by that and will not shop again at Macy's and in fact would avoid the place like the plague we'll see if there is any sort of resolution.

Determined not to let that ruin our good time we left there and looked around at Kohls and found some nice earrings and a necklace for my mom for her birthday which we did give her to her Sunday and she seemed to love them. After that we went to another clothing place and from there at last onto spencers (yay) where she spoiled me by getting me a cool Michelangelo orange shot glass with the turtle shell on one side with the words Ninja Turtles on it and on the other side his face with since 1984 (that is cool didn't know it was started in 84 the same year I was born) and from there she went to a makeup place and I went to Game Stop and checked out Max Payne 3 which as you know I have been pretty damned stoked for. Put five dollars down on the game which will allow me access to a free map. So eventually i'll be picking that video game up from the store.

After that we hung out with my friend Scooby aka Randy and first we went and got some caffeine then it was onto the COOP downtown Boise where Randy and I wandered around and looked at stuff while she got lost in what I think is hands down one of her all time favorite stores! They have some pretty cool stuff for sure but not everything tickles my fancy. From there it was off to the Burlington Coat Factory where she once again got lost inside the store and we goofed off and looked at things. In the candy area we found candy shot glasses?!?? If I had my camera on me you'd be able to see photograph evidence nevertheless we both thought it was fairly screwed up from there we realized we were hungry and it was off to the Spaghetti Factory for dinner.

The Spaghetti Factory had yummy food and just all around we all had fun that night sitting there talking away I am really glad that Scooby and Jolene hit it off so well. Talk about some incredible food, incredible service,  and great company. At the end of our dinner Jolene and I went away with a solid reminder of the dinner we had there. I'd highly recommend you go there for sure it looks like it might be really expensive but it really has decent prices and the service is top notch. Bread, salad/soup and lastly a bowl of ice cream are all free with your meal you don't pay extra and the meals are only about 12 bucks so not that pricey at all its a fun place to take a date and or friends. Tired and ready to conk out we headed out.

Sunday we woke up laterish and ate left over's from the Spaghetti Factory which was yummy. Than we headed outside and did some weeding from there we took a break and walked into Eagle because it is was a beautiful day. I got a mountain dew and she got a Pepsi Max and we walked around eagle some and headed to the playground near the elementary school and hung out and relaxed swinging on the swings than cuddled in the shade and fell asleep. Mmm it was almost too nice to head back which we eventually did just time to head over to my brother Mike's for Sunday dinner and my mom's birthday dinner. I am glad Jolene was able to be there we had chicken, corn on the cob and juice. Overall defently a great time amongst my entire family and it was even more great because my girlfriend was there.

As a whole the break went by far too quickly but as a whole I had an amazing one and realized just how much more I love Jolene and how truly happy I am with things. We have little arguments but we sort through them and we make things work because there is no doubt she loves me just as much as I love her. Love the necklace she gave me it is awesome and I wear it all the time! Now I am back to smelling my pillow where she lay and things like that but can't wait to see her. Hoping one of several jobs I have applied for will pay off in the long run so that I can afford to take off and go see her in Idaho Falls and meet her family and friends.

In between yesterday and today its been a good two days though it sucks because the math tutors are officially gone so I am on my own to figure things out which I guess is a good thing. As far as math goes it isn't a lost cause at all which is awesome just going to crack down on that and I am also going to crack down on the political science. At least for this week until finals are done on Monday this will be the newest and most up to date blog because I should be cracking down though we shall see if I get too stressed I may turn to writing another one. For those of you busy with finals I wish you the best and for those dealing with other struggles may they work themselves out. With that i'll catch ya on the flip side


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