Hey my readers how goes it? As I wrote on August 7th things are looking up and they continue to do so. Overall i have learned several things about myself and continue to do so. The biggest thing of all is this I say I am burnt out on love and for once in my life its completely true. That needy part of me screams you need somebody Chris to be happy but the reality is very different from that! The truth of the matter is I do not need somebody to be happy. Eventually when I work myself out with all my kinks and figure out myself more and figure out what I want in life than i will pursue romance and love with a kind of wild drive like no other. Billy Madison reminds us that its time to go back to school.
Next week its back to Boise State for me in a semester that I will rock. Right here you are seeing a resolve to really knock math out of the park and all my other classes as well. There will be no failing this semester i am going to put my one hundred and fifty thousand percent into it. Yes, i realize it usually goes up to about 100 percent effort but that isn't enough in this case. My goal is to truly understand Pre Calculus and to borrow a cliche phrase make it my bitch so to speak. I am content for once in my life that I have many wonderful friends out there who'd go that extra mile for me and beyond.
A dear friend told me a few days ago, "Chris you do believe in Love and that is what makes you so much different" and yes she has a point I do on some level believe in it but am going to take a major break from it though for a while now and really focus on school and than after that eventually eventually get back out there. But though this time I want a more open relationship that is something i have come to realize in all of this which is probably nuts maybe but i think its the way to go; because as a person you are always learning how to please your partner and that is what this would be for me doing just that because when i am with somebody i want to please them entirely.
In the past week or so i have watched several damn good movies too Paul, Limitless, Dylan Dogg and just downloaded the movie The Conspirator will let everyone know how it is. Hope all is well on your ends of the world. I'll catch ya on the flip side
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