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Still living a Bon Jovi Its My Life Moment

Hey what's up everybody? As I wrote in my previous blog life is going incredibly good on my end. Still more or less on a relationship hiatus though two wonderful friends have come into my life at what feels like the perfectly right moment! Going to take a moment here to talk about the two of them which just out of kindness to them both I will not list them by name because they have children and would not want to put them in danger or anything like that because I am sure there are some odd ones out there.

Without further ado i'd like to thank Margie and Vicky; two wonderful women whom over the past two months at least have helped me to see that I matter. For me letting someone into my world takes quite a bit considering what I have been through yet I trust them both completely. Hope I've helped them as much as they have helped me to feel like I belong in this wild and crazy world! Thanking them doesn't begin to do it justice they have thoroughly helped. The kind of people that you say damn I am glad to know you; they are both true hell walkers. Life's dealt them shit and they have risen like Phoenix from the ashes.

Onto other stuff in my life the jingle jangle that is life that is. On the job front no luck yet though I did just apply to work at Home Depot (hoping something happens with that) because it would be incredibly convenient because it is so close to where I live. On the school front in a few weeks its back to Boise state for another semester though I don't think i will get all the classes I need which equals lame as hell though hoping i get them because that would be verrryyyyy nice!

Literally just beat the game La Noire. If you have not played it yet i'd highly recommend you get it. I rented it from Hastings because of the lack of major funds being short of a job but its a great game. Amazing story. Amazing graphics. Rockstar out did themselves with this game times five gazillion. It should be interesting to see what they do next can't wait.

On the movie front just literally saw Cowboys Vs Aliens. It blew me away. I would give it a solid 5 out of 5! Ala perfection which is rare for me to dole out considering I am fairly picky considering I love to write and pick movies apart to death lol I am like really who the hell does that? Solid story. Solid cinematography. Solid acting. Well worth you seeing in the theater.

Well with that I am cutting this off here. I hope all is good in your world's and if its not honestly take it from me who you know I went through a rough several months there where I didn't know If i was going to come out on top of it all. Life gets better before you know it. I'll catch ya on the flip side


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