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Whirlwind romance, working like a mad man, xmen, wish I had more time


Hey everyone I hope all is going great in your worlds. On my end, its actually going really good. I wrapped up this semester with an C in both finance and Supply Chain Management. I passed both classes and in many ways I really do have Ruth to thank for being there to support me throughout the whole ordeal. Previous semesters, I'd have shut down and done something other than school but she really in a lot of ways helped me keep my nose to the grindstone. I studied, studied and studied. When at last it rolled around for me to go take my exams I was so damned nervous and thought for sure due to how I've done in the past that I would fall incredibly short! But, no I did it. At this point, I have to dispute my gpa and the number of credits at Boise State. But other than that I literally have four more classes left and I will nab an fucking bacholers in business administration and one in human resources. Excuse the f word but it still kind of feels like I am walking through a dream world. We met with the adviser at BSU and its true as true can be. I just really can't believe its actually going to happen. Supposing I knock out the calculus this summer and go test out of it at CWI after that if I am successful in the rest of my classes I can graduate in the spring.

Since I wrapped up this semester I've been spending a lot of time with Ruth and its crazy how much we fit together. God I love her so damned much. She is everything that everyone was not. I know this probably sounds insane, considering her and I have been dating for only a month in a half. But that's just it we work so well together that it feels like we have been together for several years. I know I said that several times in the past and I know I have felt like I was in love but nothing like this though. Literally, part of me still feels like I am in a giant dream. But she isn't going anywhere at all. We have so many things in common and we haven't ever really fought because unlike in the past we can simply "agree to disagree", there is no follow up battle of battles. At the end, of the day we love one another and we understand we sometimes won't agree on everything but we love one another and realize that some things are not worth fighting over at all. From food, to music, to favorite movies. Do we have different likes? Hell yes, but that is what I love about her she is so passionate and so driven

An aside, I have never really done this before this but it needs to be done though. Love isn't just being with someone, love isn't just having someone to hold, love isn't just doing things together. Real honest to god love is being with someone who is driven and also supportive of your interests. Real honest to god love is when your interests and loves cross and together you move towards them. Real honest to god love is having that person whom you can be content with just relaxing beside them maybe you playing video games and them reading for instance (but they don't raise hell because of it). When, Jolene slipped into my life I was down and out I'd been through a lot of shit with relationships previously. I looked past everything because I was lonely and just wanted someone to "settle with". Don't ever just fucking settle unless you have what I wrote about above. No, I am no professional love maker but I'd say I have enough experience at this point to honestly know what real love is and what shit is. Now a return to the craziness of the world

On Friday, I went and saw the new X-men movie and it was a damned good movie. I was uncertain but it is an really solid story. Overall, I'd highly recommend it. The one movie I also saw that I did not care for was Godzilla. Mind you, if you like the old Godzilla movies you may love it but overall I'd give it a 2 out of 5. A few days ago I watched the Odd Thomas movie and it was incredible, stephen summers did an great job with the book. Okay so make that several different movies

The big trip to Disney World is currently put on hold but that is okay I understand my friend Jordan needs to save up for some things and so do I. Maybe we will go next year, though I am planning a trip with my girlfriend Ruth for next year going to Arizona. Besides right now I am saving up to buy a brand new camera, finally getting some more solid hours so my next paycheck will be great. Just wish I was making more money faster so I could own it faster. Mm that's okay there will be plenty more trip opportunities this summer for sure

Now that I am not in school I've been working a bunch and that is nice because I like having more money. I just wish I really did have more time. June 14th, I am going to go see The Fray and One Republic with my friend Jordan which should be awesome *smiles* Well this is a long overdue update on my life as a whole but hopefully I will have a chance to write more often now. I will catch ya on the flip side


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