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So close to freedom, I can feel it!


Hey everyone I hope all is going great in your worlds. On my end, life has been incredibly busy in between working some and diving head over heels into school. I knocked out my retirement project, I knocked out the quiz for the goal, and I knocked out my stock market project (several huge things all done). One by one, I've been turning those things in and thankfully just submitted my retirement project and also my quiz which I have no doubt I will do great on both. Today, I met with my teacher for Supply Chain Management. At this point, even if I get a 57 percent on my final exam which I have done a lot better on my other ones I will get an C in class. Got the results back on a test I took in finance and it was brutal, but on the plus side I still have a solid C. I have no doubt I will get the full 100 pts on both projects. Right now overall with regard to school I am sitting pretty

After that this summer, I am planning to get calculus knocked out the rest of the way and go test out of it at CWI. Then from there I literally have just three more classes left until I graduate with a dual bachelors in fucking human resources and in business administration. I can't believe I am really so damned close to graduating. Feels like I have been doing this school thing forever! God, I love how supportive my girl Ruth is of me and my schooling and she really pushes me to do better in my classes. As much as I would love to just spend every moment with her I have to focus on my classes and kick ass and take names. I am also grateful for her being there within the past two weeks and knowing just how to calm me down when I have been getting stressed out as hell. Literally, right now I have this next week and the following Wednesday (the 14th), when I take both my final for supply chain management and also for finance. As I get closer and closer to the date I am both anxious and scared shitless to put it lightly. I really so want to be successful and beat these classes out of the water though there is a part of me that sees myself "failing". Hell, I know the only way to live is be positive.

Come may 14th, I am going to the movies with my baby boo (Ruth); yes that is a nickname for her and she calls me her Snowman (after the book fear nothing by Dean Koontz and the follow up Seize The Night). She has agreed to go see the new Spiderman movie in theater which we shall see I am wanting to go see it in the D box seats which is more expensive but may balance it out by at least going to go see it in the comfy VIP movie section. Either way I am happy as hell about seeing it and she is actually excited to see it as well. Its surreal she is nothing like my past. She's an amazing woman whom makes me feel so loved and really truly loves me for me. I look forward after that to curling up with her and falling asleep and also waking up and brushing our teeth together; there is something sweet in doing the simple things with her. No, I won't focus the whole blog on her but I will say this though I love her a hell of a lot and there is no doubt that I am an incredibly lucky guy! Mmm and I look forward to seeing what the summer brings for the two of us which I have no doubt things will only grow stronger

We're talking taking a trip to Yellowstone and many other trips. I am so looking forward to this summer of hanging out with friends, going to great concerts and actually possessing a brand new camera (which sadly this semester I haven't had much time to get out and do any shooting). Well with that I am cutting this off and getting ready for tomorrow.I'll catch ya on the flip side

ps: Oh Lily Allen's album Sheezus is amazing! If you haven't heard it go check it out, believe me you will not be dissapointed


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