Hey everyone, Its been a while since I have written a new blog. This time I have something good to write about. Please play the video as you read this because it fits perfectly for exactly how I feel. Life is a funny thing, you really do get to feeling like just maybe "Nice Guys Do Finish Last" as you try to reach out and nothing happens. Yet that is a fallacy, nice guys will never finish last. Assholes may sometimes win out but they won't be the winners for ever. Hell they may get some girl but that girl isn't going to stick around forever. Those of you whom have followed this off and on know the struggles I have went through over the past several years.
A few weeks ago, I posted a photo of this sweet new military uniform I got from a yard sale (its a Vietnam era), anyways this girl named Ruth commented on it. I thought for sure we would talk a little bit like I had with girls in the past. But it was like instantly we clicked. We had so many things in common it was all kinda crazy. Like a kid we literally talked till four o'clock in the morning. It was an intelligent, fun, engaging conversation which dragged me in. I instantly wanted to know more about her and vice versa. After that we talked off and on for several more days. Then came the weekend when we went on a date to Chili's and we ate some yummy food. Instantly we're comfortable with one another where we didn't have to be talking all the time. Its been an crazy whirl wind spending more and more time together. My folks met her and they basically thought she was pretty awesome right off the bat
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Its Us! |
Its so nice to really feel like I can be myself. We had a long talk about my past and the things I have been through and she really listened to everything I had to say and never looked back. Yes, I realize if someone loves you and cares about you that is just something they should naturally do...but it doesn't always work out that way though. Deep down I am a man who wants to graduate college and land an solid job and spend the rest of my life with an incredible woman. I really just hope that as I continue to write about us that we last...last until the stars fall in. Something tells me we will continue to be strong for a very long time. But I'd be lying if I didn't say there is still that part of me that is freaking the fuck out. But I know this in her arms I feel her arms it literally feels like home. The other day, we were both at Boise State and I was working on school work and this song came on....
Mm I work this afternoon from 11:45 till 5:45 pm and then she is getting me and we're going to spend time together. I have the rest of an challenging take home test to knock out for Finance (here is hoping I can knock it out of the park).I will get that knocked out then turn it in tomorrow. Class on Friday then I am doing the podcast with my friend Ross Givens for Out Of ADA. Here is our latest cast for the show...Our latest podcast....check it out. Warning it can be quite explicit.
Forgive me, this is hands down one of the most jumbled blogs I have written in a long time. I promise you I will get my act together in the future and they will be a lot more together. Then again I usually say that every time and every time it is somewhat like this because this is basically a journal. A place for me to tell you what is going on in my world and a place to also clear my thoughts out entirely. With that being said the next won't be as jumbled. I can't believe Easter is coming up here on Sunday, I am stoked Ruth will be going to Church in the morning with us. Every Easter we go to my brother Mike's church. Followed by spending the day with us. I have no doubt that she will hit it off with my brothers and my sister in laws.
I just need 300 dollars more! Then that D3200 is mine! It feels so good to actually know that I have saved up for it. Yes, I will be keeping my Nikon Coolpix mostly because with that camera I will still be able to take it to events and use it to shoot with like Mayhem Fest which I am certain I am going to with Ruth, the Boise Music Festival, the fair. The list goes on and on because its a great camera and I have landed some incredible shots with it
Well for now I am off, need to get some school work and some laundry done before its off to the land of work. I hope everyone has a great Easter hopefully spent amongst family and or incredible friends. I will catch ya on the flip side
ps: Before I forget. We went by Walmart and they had this sweet Breaking Bad shirt. Of course, those that know. Know I actually met Aaron Paul from the show and secondly got a hat autographed plus I dressed up like him as well. Ruth insisted and got me this shirt...
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Me with Aaron Paul and me dressed up as Walt |
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My Breaking Bad Shirt! |
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