Hey everyone I hope you're doing good. On my end, I am taking a break from hitting the books hard. Just a few weeks left of this semester and its over! Inside I am freaking out as I try to stick my nose to the grind stone determined to knock both Supply Chain Management and Finance out of the water. This morning, I woke up at 6 am and got right to studying. Minus Ruth being here which I will see her in a few weeks she is staying away and letting me completely focus on school (Can't wait to see her on Saturday when she comes to visit me). I can't believe just a few more weeks and this semester is over and done with. I will be taking my final for finance at one o'clock pm at Boise State and followed up by taking my supply chain management exam maybe the same day or even earlier than that. With both of these classes it is very possible for me to get an solid C if not at least a B in my supply chain management class I just need to really get it drilled inside my head
Spiderman, reading, watching movies, watching shows, playing basket ball will all be on hold for the next couple of weeks until this shit is done with. Just a few more weeks and I will be seriously free to enjoy those things and also spend time with my girlfriend Ruth. I know I have talked about falling in love before but nothing this fast though. She literally seems to get me and understands me. This past week, she even sat down and read everything here which to me was a wow because I was expecting some fleeing or something but just the opposite she was drawn closer to me. I am so crazy about her its not even funny. In November, I will be literally turning the big 30 and she makes me feel like I am fifteen years old. We have such an strong instant connection with one another that is while insane its refreshing. Of course to begin with considering what the hell I have been through in the past I was weary about letting her in...but she showed me her true colors and in turn I showed her all of mine and took the lock completely off. No, I don't know what is going to happen with Ruth but I do know this...I love her very much...I trust her...I love spending time with her and lastly we have a lot of the same interests
Worked a ton last week and we hung out off and on and grabbed these random photographs throughout the last several weeks when she stayed over. She met my parents and also my brothers and my sister in laws and they all seemed to really like her a lot. Yesterday, I met her parents which of course I was nervous about...part of my brain creating some insanely bad scenario up in which they would not like me at all. But I met both her mom and her dad and her sister and all in all seemed to really hit it off. As she told me later, "We like him he seems like a good guy" *smiles* As I write this remembering this fact I cannot help but smile like an idiot
Easter was very nice. Ruth stayed over and went to church with my brother Mike and his wife Jen (we just go to there church every Easter). Prechurch though we went over to my brother mikes house and together the whole gang watched my nephew Cameron and my niece gather eggs. Don'tcha know its all about the candy? lol They scarfed up candy and we all enjoyed watching them. Felt great to have Ruth there and as I mentioned above everyone really seemed to like her a lot. From there it was onto church and then back home. Got a bunch of school work knocked out and then it was time for dinner. All in all a yummy Turkey dinner and then Ruth and I went upstairs and cuddled and watched a good movie
To call all of this a whirl wind seems like a massive understatement, but nevertheless I know I am the happiest I have been in a good long while. As I wrap this up, school's tomorrow and I have a quiz which I am feeling very prepared for (just going to go over it a few more times then knock it out). Secondly I am all read up and prepared for that class. What's cool is my finance teacher cut out the last three chapters so that means a lot less to study when it comes to finals time.
With that I will catch ya on the flip side
ps: Hopefully in my next blog I will be talking about some solid grades and an brand spanking new camera
pss: My best friend Jordan got me Jon Berns autograph when he went to the Utah comic is a photo he sent me. For those who don't know he played Shane in the show the Walking Dead. Special shout out to Jordan, thank you so damned much
psss: I am forever you're snowman (to ruth)
Hey everyone I hope you're doing good. On my end, I am taking a break from hitting the books hard. Just a few weeks left of this semester and its over! Inside I am freaking out as I try to stick my nose to the grind stone determined to knock both Supply Chain Management and Finance out of the water. This morning, I woke up at 6 am and got right to studying. Minus Ruth being here which I will see her in a few weeks she is staying away and letting me completely focus on school (Can't wait to see her on Saturday when she comes to visit me). I can't believe just a few more weeks and this semester is over and done with. I will be taking my final for finance at one o'clock pm at Boise State and followed up by taking my supply chain management exam maybe the same day or even earlier than that. With both of these classes it is very possible for me to get an solid C if not at least a B in my supply chain management class I just need to really get it drilled inside my head
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A little smile |
Worked a ton last week and we hung out off and on and grabbed these random photographs throughout the last several weeks when she stayed over. She met my parents and also my brothers and my sister in laws and they all seemed to really like her a lot. Yesterday, I met her parents which of course I was nervous about...part of my brain creating some insanely bad scenario up in which they would not like me at all. But I met both her mom and her dad and her sister and all in all seemed to really hit it off. As she told me later, "We like him he seems like a good guy" *smiles* As I write this remembering this fact I cannot help but smile like an idiot
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I am Bogie and she is my Bacall |
To call all of this a whirl wind seems like a massive understatement, but nevertheless I know I am the happiest I have been in a good long while. As I wrap this up, school's tomorrow and I have a quiz which I am feeling very prepared for (just going to go over it a few more times then knock it out). Secondly I am all read up and prepared for that class. What's cool is my finance teacher cut out the last three chapters so that means a lot less to study when it comes to finals time.
With that I will catch ya on the flip side
ps: Hopefully in my next blog I will be talking about some solid grades and an brand spanking new camera
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Holy shit jon bern's autograph |
psss: I am forever you're snowman (to ruth)
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