Hey everyone hope alls going great. Thank you to those whom have actually been continuing to follow this even though the background was kinda crazy. I decided after how many blogs I have written to reward you guys with a simplifier format. Its simple yet I still think looks pretty slick though. Now you can read through my blog without having to take a break to forgo the massive amount of motion sickness of whatever the hell you're conflicted with.
I have certainly noticed the massive amount of views as well so thank you very much. Its interesting when I started writing this as it got more personal...I wrote this for myself. Then I got daring and decided to share my thoughts and before long everyone was wanting to read it. Personally, I can't thank all of you enough for sticking with me through my trials and tribulations, joys, adventures and hardships. Hell I can't believe I have now been writing this thing for as long as I have. In all honesty, I truly do hope its helped at least a few of you to overcome some personal hell you're battling with
Keeping this shorter. Since I just wrote an longer update on life. I'll catch ya on the flip side
Hey everyone hope alls going great. Thank you to those whom have actually been continuing to follow this even though the background was kinda crazy. I decided after how many blogs I have written to reward you guys with a simplifier format. Its simple yet I still think looks pretty slick though. Now you can read through my blog without having to take a break to forgo the massive amount of motion sickness of whatever the hell you're conflicted with.
I have certainly noticed the massive amount of views as well so thank you very much. Its interesting when I started writing this as it got more personal...I wrote this for myself. Then I got daring and decided to share my thoughts and before long everyone was wanting to read it. Personally, I can't thank all of you enough for sticking with me through my trials and tribulations, joys, adventures and hardships. Hell I can't believe I have now been writing this thing for as long as I have. In all honesty, I truly do hope its helped at least a few of you to overcome some personal hell you're battling with
Keeping this shorter. Since I just wrote an longer update on life. I'll catch ya on the flip side
Throw back to 2003 |
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