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End To Brilliance


Hey I hope everything is going great in you're world's. On my end, I am sitting here listening to the new Miley Cyrus album, which is without an single doubt incredibly solid! Everything aside I think she is getting an extremely unfair rap. As far as I am concerned this new album shows she is incredibly musically talented and has slowly found herself. Now moving onto why this blog is sufficiently titled "End To Brilliance". I think it involves two events the first being the end of Breaking Bad this past weekend and secondly the death of Tom Clancy this morning.

There are some people whom I talked to that I won't name names specifically but they said they'd have liked the show Breaking Bad to have ended differently. In my mind, after the major disappointment with how the show Dexter concluded this past weekend in my mind it was a true breathe of fresh air. No, don't worry if you're reading this I am not going to pull a bunch of spoilers out of my hat because I realize some people are still just getting into the show Dexter or secondly are just getting into the show Breaking Bad. If you are just watching Dexter, I would avoid the season finale, instead make up an ending it will be better than anything you can watch! Now as for Breaking Bad it was simply brilliant clear to the end of the show, the word Wow sums it up perfectly

I was surprised this morning to find when I mentioned Tom Clancy how many people just in passing had no clue who he was. I guess maybe because I love movies and also love to read maybe I know whom he is more *shrugs* But over the years in my mind he has proven himself time and time again how good of an writer he can be. I love how when reading his books you learn about real things, events in the poli sci world and he also neatly ties them into real events as well. Over the past several years he has prolifically released several novels and his last one then is coming out December 3rd (a final Jack Ryan novel). This one will be called Command Authority. Prior to that he came out with Threat Vector, Locked On, Dead Or Alive. I read every single one of those and each of them was incredibly powerful and introduced very real characters. In my mind, its like he had his finger directly on the pulse of the geo political world. Mm dead at 66 years old, talk about an true loss to the literary world! He will be very missed and I look forward to reading the final novel he will ever write. Nevertheless it will be fairly bitter sweet knowing its the last one he will ever pen

Yesterday, I went to a carry class with my brothers and my two sister in laws. I am excited to go down to the police station and apply for my permit. Apparently it will take a while for it to actually go through but I am glad it will though. Yes, I realize that carrying a gun is nothing to take lightly and think I have a respect for a weapon from my father whom over the years drilled it into my head that you never aim it at anything you don't intend to hurt, keep the finger outside the trigger guard. So, I will be going to the gun range more regularly so that I am even more comfortable with loading and unloading a gun and practice even more. Overall though i'd say I am fairly comfortable with a gun having been raised on shooting but even I realize that I am not even close to perfect

Also yesterday, I purchased tickets for Transiberian Orchestra whom are coming to the taco bell arena November 21st and they're someone I have always wanted to see live but in the past they've always felt pretty expensive. Its an early birthday present from my folks which is really cool. I am excited I am going with my best friend Jordan and his fiance. It'll be a Christmas rock opera show, so at the same time as I will be seeing them I can also get in the spirit of Christmas as well. Speaking of my birthday i'll be turning 29 years old on Thanksgiving which will be pretty crazy. Oh well of course I also realize I have a while yet before my birthday

So life's looking up in away and I am focused still on finding myself. I am going to start working in going to the gym regularly because I know I feel better about it and the podcast with my friend Ross is going very well. Right now as I wrote last night I am not looking to reach out and seriously date anyone I need to work on me more and find myself and that self confidence that has dwindled to a degree   

Oh so I am not sure about what grade I got on my finance exam yet but we are able to redo the exam and then turn it in for 30 more points so if I did badly it could increase my grade so that is really cool. So we shall see what comes of that. I am determined to get this bonds stuff stuck inside my head. I'll catch ya on the flip side


  1. I already posted a comment to your latest blog and it looks like it didn't show up. How lame! I just wanted to say that I am enjoying reading your blog. very interesting indeed! Even the darker times. But I agree with everything in your latest blog except the part about Miley Cyrus! I'm sorry, but I will never be a fan of hers I have found her annoying from day 1 and have only really liked one song by her and that was "Party in the USA." She needs more songs like that. Just fun dance songs. anyways, I look forward to your next post. keep up the good work my friend!

  2. Thank you very much for reading through my blogs Jordan *tips hat* fair enough I don't expect everyone to agree entirely though I will ask you to give the album an listen through and then you can officially write her off. Personally I couldn't stand her in the past but musically she is very talented in my personal opinion on this album and shows it

    Once again I appreciate you reading and I look forward to reading what comes out of your head and I truly hope it helps you in the long run. Mm and I think doing something like this would also help Kelsey a lot as well


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