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Just Ten More Days Left Of This Insanity Than Its Escape


Hey everyone I hope all is going great with you. On my end I am listening to the newest Papa Roach album which came out this past year but nevertheless it is awesome though and just figured I'd do a real solid update on things. I can't believe I have ten more days left and then I am done with calculus. Right now as it stands I take my last real test in the class this coming Tuesday and than the following week I take my final exam! Holy shit saying that is just kind of mind blowing because unlike in the past this far in the game I am seated comfortably enough that I should be able to get a C in the class and ultimately pass and put this baby to rest once and for all. Of course nevertheless keep me in you're prayers because yes I can study till I am blue in the face but there will always be apart of me which is sitting there on my little shoulder that says, "Chris its math you're gonna mess this one up!"

This past weekend has been a lot of fun hanging out with my friend Randy and really becoming even better friends with an girl named Nicole; its funny how you meet some people and they come into you're life and you instantly know just because of how you two click that they are a true friend through and through. I got to at least go to one day of Eagle Fun Days and overall it was kinda disappointing this year because their were so few vendors downtown and even though I don't ever go to the Carnival it was still lame that it wasn't there though. The one thing that sucked is having to study so I wasn't able to take off and go to the parade but I heard the fireworks were great so that is cool. Oh well there will always be next year for that stuff. I am determined to make this next semester count so I can truly take it easy and work like there is no tomorrow

Earlier I thought about just writing a piece directed at this but here goes at least a little mention as I have talked about I am crazy about this girl but she is currently going through her own mental war. I am determined to stick it out and be here for her but its tough as hell though. Something to come out of all this i've realized is I am someone that feeds off of the attention of another hence why my mind does thinking overtime. I am just going to say this I think i'd be insane not to hang by and see if something solid comes from it all because when she wasn't fighting her own personal war we clicked like peanut butter and jelly. She really is an incredible woman and helped me to tear down my walls entirely. So not mentioning names but if she does read this (mm hey you I just want to let you know I care a hell of a lot about you and I am going to stick it out so when you're ready I am here). Until writing this out and really sorting out my thoughts I really wasn't entirely sure so this is sort of a revelation to me as a whole

God I really can't wait to be done with this exam and than it will be a very nice break from the madness of things come Saturday I am going to the Boise Music Festival with my best friend Randy and my best friends Jordan and Kelsey! Hinder, Vanilla Ice, Carley Rae Jepson to name a few bands that come to mind and there will be many others but it should be an great day of music for sure. Well for now I am going to cut this off here and get back to working away on calculus. Wish me luck and keep me in you're prayers thanks. I'll catch ya on the flip side  


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