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My own personal battle with eating what tastes good vs what is good for me


Hey everyone I hope all is going great in you're world's. Like many undertakings in the past when writing this blog I have written about my own personal struggles with getting out of that dark place and winning, this whole self doubt and math, acceptance that I am a photographer, and so on. If you're curious what I am talking about feel free to read through everything seeing as how I have always been pretty open and used this as a place to clear out my head entirely and honestly. Hell, its not always pretty but it keeps me sane and I have no doubt at least to a degree on some level helps others so that's why I choose to write so bluntly about what is going on in my own life.

One of the things in my own personal life that I have struggled with is that battle between eating what tastes good vs what is good for me. I would say at one point I really fell off the bandwagon and ate everything under the sun and its even worse when depressed it all goes to hell lol I am one of those eaters and god only knows there are probably some others out there it is that natural tendency thing and fucking mind over matter. There is an excellent app called My Fit app and it helps you keep track of what you're eating and if you use it and keep track of it (don't lie and think ah i won't put this or that) you'll be able to really understand the calories involved with the things you love! Hell I am not saying starve yourself but its important to really understand what you're eating and therego you can maybe change it up a bit and keep yourself honest

I'd say its important to have at least two other friends that also have the app so you can see what they're doing and i'd say if you're anything like me you look and it says, "So and so burned 800 calories doing such and such", yes it also enables you to keep track of you're exercise as well and the amount of water intake, at least for me that sort of shames me a bit and makes me more determined to be better and knock off those pounds. In my own personal life i've always fluctuated between 150 pounds to about 220 at one point when things got really bad. Like last night I have my major fall off the band wagon moments where I eat a bunch of junk and enter it honestly into my fit foods and I am like well that shit can't happen again lol

As a whole i'd say that I have never ever been overweight or obese but i've defently never had that six pack though except for maybe when I was doing my swimming class and literally swimming every day because its such good exercise. I've been playing basket ball regularly and I need to keep that up its great exercise and a hell of a lot of fun to. I know I shouldn't be doing it for anyone else and I am not but i'd love to have more of a six pack though someday that is a goal in my life

Well this has been an look into my own war with food persay and i'd hope this helps some other people realize that you're not alone. I'll catch ya on the flip side 


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