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Gained a new friend and life is nutso


Hey everyone I hope all is going great in you're world's. On my end I am doing good just winding down working on math in the math tutor lab after earlier working on statistics for three and a half hours this morning. As of late i've been talking with a pretty awesome girl named Sara as of now she is figuring things out and isn't quite sure where she stands so for the time being I have gained an incredible new friend which is a great feeling. Maybe down the road something may play out but if nothing else I am content with the idea that I gained a new friend; a new friend whom I can truly talk about everything under the sun with and its cool no worries she doesn't judge me. We had one epic fail date but ever since that epic fail date in which I jumped the gun and thought it was the right moment to kiss her oddly enough we have been cool as hell with one another though of course she gives me shit occasionally about it.

Just realized how long it has literally been since I have posted a single blog over these past weeks and a month and a half i've been so busy working and also working my ass off on math and or statistics that I really haven't had much time to really continue one and go for one and make a lengthy one. So consider this just picking up not too long ago I finished the newest James Patterson novel "The Zoo" and it was awesome and i'd highly recommend it and watched the movie Ted which rocked and I am a good way into the book The Thief by Clive Cussler. As a whole its odd I am reading these books on my actual computer which being a solid book person I am like wtf? I don't ever seriously see myself changing over too buying a tablet I just love that experience of holding an actual book in my hands.

Recently Geoff Tate's solo album "King's & Thieves" was just released and it is no surprise a damn good album. As a whole I am not surprised at all he is incredibly skilled and as far as I am concerned for those that saw the band religiously he was the lead member of the band Queensryche whom will always be my all time favorite band even though they split. You should defently check it out you will not be dissapointed at all

Mmm as I am writing this coming up this Saturday doing Rake Up Boise with my friend John and his dad and some people he works with which I have now been doing for probably around three plus years and either way as i was telling my friend i like doing it because its truly rewarding followed by I work from 1 pm to 6 pm at night so after work I will hit the books hard and study my ass off for sure then relax some that evening.

In 19 days I will be turning 28 years old which I can't believe how fast the time has raced by. I am looking forward to celebrating it with my family and secondly going to Big Al's for my birthday with friends which should rock for sure. Its odd for once I don't have any clue what I am getting this year because with school that has been the farthest thing from my mind and I have not really gone anywhere with my folks to pick anything lol So this birthday should no doubt be interesting

For now that is a break down of things other than that in the love life department its more or less come to a stand still we shall see what plays out I am not in any rush mind you. I'll just let it play out how it plays out and take the cards how they fall and yes I realize that also if I want something to happen I have to take risks and I am willing too do that. Back to work for me i'll catch ya on the flip side


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