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Writing away the blah, zombie prom, a thunder mt line trip


Hey everyone I hope all is going great in you're world's. On my end I am incredibly busy with school and also feeling the wave of loneliness as it starts to get colder. It feels weird after a while of sharing the same bed with somebody else now not sharing it with a single person. Not sure exactly what it even is that has brought these thoughts on but I am now listening to the album "War Stories" by the band Unkle which is the same thing that kept me going when my dad was in the hospital battling with colon cancer. Hell I should be working away on calculus right now and that or killing statistics in the stats lab over in the new goddamn business building but can't bring myself to focus on either right now. Instead just randomly blah today. I slept like shit last night woke up once at midnight and than another time at three o'lock and don't think I got to bed until like three thirty.

How's it possible to be burnt out before you even get back into the realm of dating again? lol This I really don't get but I am nevertheless feeling the slow burn of reverberation slip through my veins. I know this loneliness will pass it usually does. Just today for whatever reason its coming on extra strong. Coming up here on the 27th I am going to a Zombie Prom thing at 21st century lanes which should be fun. But eh I think my dad saying I am overweight enough is kicking in and nailing home. Hell with school I don't have time for the basket ball games on Sunday nor do I have time to slip away to the gym so feeling kinda blah and lazy on my end of things. Loving the sweet actual Air Force coat I found at a thrift store here called Saver's its sweet as hell!

Writing through the blahness as we speak I am feeling a bit better and apparently I look sad in the photograph above because I wasn't smiling but that is because I have a lousy camera on my phone and was trying to get the whole goatee and the actual air force jacket which I still can't believe I got for a whole seven dollars with the actual Staff Sergeant patch on there. 

To celebrate my grandma's early birthday my mom, my dad and my grandma all took this thunder mountain line train ride which turned out too be a lot of fun. Great food, great people and delicious wine which we sampled. I of course brought my camera along and took some great photographs: 

A whole bunch of different photographs from the thunder mt line trip which was a lot of fun as you can see above and i'd highly recommend you check out. Its kind of spendy but nevertheless well worth it though. Now that I have written through the blah and talked about the thunder mountain line trip I am cutting this off here. Hope you are having a good day. I'll catch ya on the flip side 


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