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That Felt Great


Hey everyone I hope all is going great in you're world's. Its funny for a while there certain forces told me to be less honest and put less out here when in fact what helped me is being honest as possible and putting everything out there when writing these whether it put me in a bad light or not. On some level this helps me find myself and discover all the crazy thoughts running through my brain and sorting out the bullshit and finding the truth. Discovering the needle at the bottom of the huge haystack.

That needle is that I am okay person; I may not be perfect but nobody ever is really perfect; a lot of people pretend to be but they are not. There are real people and there are fake people; everyone lies that's a given truth just some less than others and if you are really good about you accept the fact that lying doesn't help anything. These past few days cooping with the breakup when people have asked me how I was doing I said okay that it just takes a day at a time and I am doing great! Clearly if you use my blog from last night/this morning that is far from the truth yet in there there is a lot of bs as well and some truth.

At times I may feel like a loser but let's face it I am not though. If I was really a bonafide loser I wouldn't have so many incredibly true friends who are there for me at the drop of a hat and would do anything. A bonafide loser doesn't have the world in front of him as an Oyster to make his way through. My situation is not ideal the whole living with my parents but right now it works while going to college. In this tough economic world right now I am incredibly lucky to have a job that I truly love the way I do.

Jolene at the end of the day five months behind her now she has moved on shows her hand to the world she is a manipulative person; there are quite a few of them out there though she is not alone the funny thing is I don't think she realizes she did anything wrong so its like how do I get mad at someone like that? Suffice to say after that I have learned something be wearer of people they may say the right things, they may tell you I love you, they may randomly spoil you with gifts but in the end it might mean nothing at all. As far as other rules go that I wrote last night those apply infrequently nothing is guaranteed or etched deeply in stone. But what is is the reality that you should be careful; and this goes for both men and women not just women.

I got this! Never felt better sense I really cleared my head. For those of you reading you will read the previous one and take it for it is; a way to find everything else at the bottom of the haystack. Life is something that doesn't stand still! I am done mopping around I got this. Life is mind to discover just have to do it.

Yesterday was awesome went to a place called Big Al's with my best friend Randy it is an awesome place game arcades, incredible food, beautiful waitresses, a cosmic bowling lane, shuffle board, pool tables, dance dance, dart boards, two different bars (not that I am a major drinker myself) but anyways it is an incredible place and if you haven't gone you should! Secondly we went to Roaring Springs for free which was a ton of fun too.

With that all in mind I work either today or tommorrow and sunday for sure. I'll catch ya on the flip side


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