Hey everyone I hope all is going great in you're world's. On my end with Jolene for once in my life after yesterday I feel like I am really moving forward now. Its funny how you are like yes I got this but part of your brain is still locked up in what could potentially be later down the road. We said a lot of hurtful things back and forth too one another initially but than I realized ultimately that while I want to be furious with her its not right she really and honestly truly is looking to find herself. She's a bad person despite what I may want to say but of course the whole being split up from her is still bitter sweet as ever though and always will be. There is no doubt that she will hold a special place in my heart.
Yesterday exchanged things with Jolene and than we went out to lunch at Goodwood bbq one more time and sat in our usual spot in the restaurant. Overall it was very nice but you know with everything being still fresh I wasn't in the greatest frame of mind *shrugs* In the end I am glad we went out to eat though and relaxed a bit because I realize her friendship is very important to me. Will we ever ever get back together down the road? I can't say for sure but anything is a strong possibility I am not about to exclude it.
Work these last few days has been constant and it feels like the general public has taken an extra dose of nutso I am going to equate it to the full moons we had the last few days. Yesterday was fairly lame I was let go early because work was so slow but oh well I was able to spoil myself yesterday bought myself a full size bottle of new acqua di gio which at Gourdman's for that size bottle it is 64 dollars vs anywhere above 100 dollars outside at places like Macy's. Hell after my discount it came to 34 dollars so I was like okay I am not turning this down.
I also spoiled myself with a new pair of sunglasses no surprise right they were a pair of plastic awesome Kenneth Cole Reaction sunglasses and this photograph is similar to the ones I got:
Hey everyone I hope all is going great in you're world's. On my end with Jolene for once in my life after yesterday I feel like I am really moving forward now. Its funny how you are like yes I got this but part of your brain is still locked up in what could potentially be later down the road. We said a lot of hurtful things back and forth too one another initially but than I realized ultimately that while I want to be furious with her its not right she really and honestly truly is looking to find herself. She's a bad person despite what I may want to say but of course the whole being split up from her is still bitter sweet as ever though and always will be. There is no doubt that she will hold a special place in my heart.
Yesterday exchanged things with Jolene and than we went out to lunch at Goodwood bbq one more time and sat in our usual spot in the restaurant. Overall it was very nice but you know with everything being still fresh I wasn't in the greatest frame of mind *shrugs* In the end I am glad we went out to eat though and relaxed a bit because I realize her friendship is very important to me. Will we ever ever get back together down the road? I can't say for sure but anything is a strong possibility I am not about to exclude it.
I also spoiled myself with a new pair of sunglasses no surprise right they were a pair of plastic awesome Kenneth Cole Reaction sunglasses and this photograph is similar to the ones I got:
After work I hung out with my friend Travis and we went to the eagle bar the Gathering Place which was once an old drug store previously. I spoke to the owner and he agreed to allow me to do a photo shoot inside the bar now just have to put my thinking cap on and think of something to do with it. As a whole life is moving forward and I am grabbing hold in closing I have also been enjoying the latest Dean Koontz Odd Thomas novel it is awesome so far.
Well I am going to cut this off here for now have plans to hang out with my friend Jordan and his girlfriend and some of their friends and go swimming this afternoon that should be a lot of fun for sure. I'll catch ya on the flip side
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