Readers: Hey everyone I hope all's going good in you're worlds. This morning I am sitting here drinking my first cup of coffee and must be getting old because I was up until oneish that is until my brain finally quit working and let me sleep prior to that skyped with my girl which was nice to relax and just talk to her after another long day of working on math; but i am thinking wow I am tired should have hit the hay earlier. Wow I didn't think i'd ever be saying that...ever ever you are talking to the night owl of night owls. Or at least maybe once upon a time I was the night owl now its just I stay up reading and most mornings I am like okay I got this so i don't even think about it (thinking the second might be the case). Oh and this morning before I get going I thought of a random little coffee jingle/poem/i don't even know but here you go I am thinking most people can appreciate this: "Coffee...Coffee...Coffee. There is nothing quite like you n...