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A bit of normalcy and finding some good things in life


Hey everyone I hope all is well in your world's. This past week I wrote about a valentines day of loneliness knowing it would inevitably come my way as it did. Everyone around me had stuff they were doing with their loved ones. Well I also wrote about going to the Judy Collin's concert with my grandma and folks and posted photos from it but what I did not talk about is meeting a girl after wards who asked me for my number and told me she wanted to meet up the very next day. Mmm at the time I told Jolene Collin's, "Sure let's do this"

Well she showed up at Boise State the very next day and we met at Moxi Java where we grabbed hot white chocolate mocha's and from there proceeded to meander around the university just talking like old friends. Hell to think I didn't think she was a knock out would be a lie but there was one issue there she was with this boyfriend whom she had been with for exactly two years. My conscience grabbed a hold and I had to tell her we couldn't be anything serious....hell it felt like things were going to come crashing on the rocks....well next thing I know I am looking forward to talking to her on the phone and can't wait for her to text while of course I am trying to play it cool considering all the past garbage I have been through in my love life.

As the week went along I have been busy hitting the books working away on math and also working away on business statistics so that I can make up for my two terrible starting grades. This next week Wednesday is my first exam in Political Science which I think should go great because i've been hitting the books as a whole so heavily. Here is to hoping I can knock that test out of the water and really start this week off in a good direction.

The worries went away and she showed up totally free to say I didn't console her over the break up would be a lie but its like this when you have been with somebody so long that you are second fiddle to nearly everything that is hard as hell I know all too well how that goes. She came over on Friday and we went out to eat at Goodwood BBQ which the food rocked we sat and chatted and ate dinner than walked around the shopping center and wandered into Waleworld where we looked around all of this to clear our heads. From there it was back home to my house where we more or less instantly conked out.

In between her telling me she didn't want me to go the next morning and her getting me some ib profin it hit me this girl was real and that she cared about me a lot. Getting back home after tutoring she helped tutor me in business statistics than we went to the Coop downtown because she wanted to get some things and walked over to the Wine shop tried a mixture of different of wines and went from there to visit her friend whom she hadn't seen in quite some time. After that it was off to the Prarie Theatre where we saw Gnatman; which was hilarious literally we laughed the whole time and shared some pizza which was very nice.

Mmm the next morning we relaxed than got up and she helped me study some political science than we went for a walk to my special clearing in the woods where I realized I have never ever taken another girl. How did I fall head over heels with a wonderful girl in about two weeks the weekend being that thing that really pushed me over the edge into falling fast and hard?

It sounds nuts but Jolene really made me feel special and that I was really loved and cared about like I haven't felt in some time. When I kissed her my whole world slowed down and she was the only person in my sights nothing else mattered. Hell with her I could joke around and just be myself and vice versa for her. To say she doesn't have my heart in my hands would be a lie and vice versa according to her I have her heart in my hands. Mmm though of course its complicated considering what we have been through the both of us were going to play it cool and not stick a title to things but the way we feel about one another there is no doubt that this will slide even further.

Defently a damn good weekend one I will not soon forget and look forward to spending time with her again. Of course school has me in a bit of a noose so I realize as does she that school has to take priority over things because failure is not an option! She gave me a mission of sorts. In her words should I accept this, "Stop Biting My Nails" (an embarrassing habit) I picked up but nevertheless she said if I can do it i'll get the new Max Payne game which goes out in May which will work out nicely because it is the end of the semester. Mmm I accept both because I know I need to get rid of this habit and it will keep me healthier the reward is just a side incentive.

Well with that in mind life is a good thing sometimes it truly does take a massive change for the better this I know now without a doubt to be very true. In the land of movies i'd highly recommend two movies Rum Diary which fairly crazy but Johnny Depp does an awesome job though if you are not a Hunter S Thompson fan i'd leave it alone. Movies wise i'd give it a solid 5 out of 5 and secondly i'd highly recommend the movie Tower Heist which is funny, has a good story and great acting i'd give it a 4 out of 5.

For now I am going to cut this off. I'll catch ya on the flip side


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