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Living a little and a touch of politics, curbing a habit


Hey everyone I hope everything is going well for everyone. This week rushed by like that *snaps fingers quickly* And now can't believe its Friday upon us. As far as this weekend goes I have nothing exciting really planned i'll probably end up tackling some business statistics considering I got quite a bit of that done in the lab this morning clear up until my political science class which was actually fairly interesting we of course talked about the run down of political candidates still in the race. Hell of course as you know I don't often talk politics on here but well I am going to as any of you know who followed my previous blog I did go see Santorum speak and I am still one hundred and ten percent behind the man without a single doubt as far as the others in the race ick ney on Romney and defently a major negative with Ron Paul.

This week in between math and statistics i've been working my tail off so that I can truly ensure I do not get horrible grades on my next tests. Can't quite believe it in a few weeks Spring Break is here prior to that I have a math test on the 2nd and a Stat's test no doubt prior to going into spring break. Of course though before that we have Easter which is always pretty big with my family everyone comes together and we still do an egg hunt in this case a money egg hunt which us brothers are all incredibly competitive with and of course somehow we will probably manage to get something resembling an Easter basket lol

It feels kind of crazy last week and the amazing weekend though its been playing inside my head like a movie and in fact just yesterday I discovered my camera's part before the lens was bent in somehow I knocked it against something and it was small in Jolene's mind but she told me don't worry about it she would save up and buy me a new one?!!??? Every part of my being was like wow really you'd do that for muah. The more Jolene and I talk the more I find myself smitten with her and its funny were not going out just yet because were both weary because of our past situations but I know right now I would not do anything with anyone else though (which probably sounds nuts to an extent) but I like it. Not sure exactly when we'll be an item but seriously I feel like this girl gets me and I get her and wow she has goals and a great head on her shoulders and also loves to laugh and as well when I have been blah she has known just how to lift me up out of a hole of holes.

Now the major thing that will suck about this weekend is not seeing Jolene again because the past weekend rocked so much but at the same time its awesome because she truly understands how important it is that I focus on school and knock it out of the park and I have no doubt that when we are able to spend time together that like last time the fireworks will take off!!!

Damn I almost forgot so I was essentially challenged by Jolene to curb my nail biting which yes it is a bad habit of mine well I literally went one whole week without biting my nails. Now of course due to the fact that it has been such a long standing habit my nails didn't show any sign of growing back but overall it felt good I mean literally I was more aware of it and stopped myself. I'll of course keep ya all in the loop but if I am able to stop this until May when the new Max Payne game comes out (# 3 to be exact) she said she will buy the game for me as a reward!!! I can do this

Other than school and being hooked on Jolene and knowing this weekend i'll be rocking some stat's and some math nothing really happened this week as a whole overall it was fairly calm and relaxing which is great  entirely drama free. Well I am going to end this I hope everyone's week is drama free and i'll catch ya on the flip side


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