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Go big or go home, When you know you just know, I am Engaged!


Hey everyone I hope you're doing great. I wrote last time about being excited for something but also said I couldn't talk about it either and that was when and where I was planning to propose to my girlfriend Ruth (because she reads this). I went through the proper old school channels ie. asking her dad if I could have his daughters hand in marriage; several weeks ago and he said yes. In fact he actually said you didn't have to ask me but I told him I wanted to include him and that I am semi old fashioned. Prior to that Ruth and I went and looked at rings together so both of us could get an idea of what we wanted to get one another (yes we talked openly about wanting to be together and getting engaged). So, I had been waiting for a while debating where to buy a ring and enlisted the help of my friend Randy and together we went and looked at rings. I was happy with where we went and found the perfect ring for her (literally I kept going back to it), so I put money down on it. Over the next several weeks or so I saved and saved and went in last week and put the final money down on the ring purchasing it for real.

All along I had big plans I was going to propose at The Garden A Glow, then I was told that there was no way I could get a person inside to video the proposal for free (yes I don't expect everything for free but it seemed asinine to say the least). So, overtime that idea was semi kaboshed. We're lying there the night before last and it felt right. I knew then that there was no doubt that even if I could have done it at the garden a glow I was ready now! So, I went downstairs to get her some allergy meds that she wanted and came back  upstairs and she had the ring out and asked me first. She asked me if I would marry her and I forgot my words and started crying a little bit with happy tears and of course told her yes (though it was sneaky). The proposal is fairly long and was recorded with my phone when I got on a knee and asked her if she would marry me. The video is too big to upload here so I am posting a link from facebook so you can watch it: The Proposal 

So, even a day later it feels sort of surreal and like I am floating on cloud 1500 but at the same time I am happy as hell. There is no doubt that I am beyond lucky as hell to have her in my life, I am so glad she is my fiance. The wedding won't be for a while we've decided it'll happen after I graduate there is no rush so don't worry everyone has a while until that happens *smiles* Besides we're going to just enjoy being together like we always have throughout this relationship. As I write this I just realized tomorrow is that dreaded seven months when in the past everything has went to hell in a hand basket but for once its different, seven in this case is no longer something to fear she is not going anywhere ever ever

I can't believe tomorrow is seven months and looking back from the beginning to now, I had a feeling we'd be together forever but there was because of my past a part of me that said cool your heels man things could go crazy. But they did and for that I am grateful, now for a wandering photographic glance through photos taken at the beginning to now! Now obviously being the rings and us holding them up together. Apparently its some kind of tradition the man only wears a ring later on but this is different I saw a ring I liked and she picked it up for me *smiles* So we're both wearing engagement rings 

Here is us at Big Al's where we went out to eat this was a bit after we're dating and the photo that follows is our first real random actual photograph together back in April that we grabbed of us. Then it was a love story that I'd say to a degree like Bogart and Bacall because there's was a whirlwind as well *smiles* It instantly felt right like we could be ourselves with one another which was a very nice change. To a degree as I mentioned above I was scared to death but than again apparently so was she and we just meshed well together. Never in my entire life have I been with someone that truly completely accepted me. Now fast forward its almost seven months together and we're happy as hell together and that honeymoon period I can attest actually continues to live on if you find that special someone

I can't see what the future will hold but no matter what I know it will be brighter and I know that I don't have to go it alone because Ruth will be right there by my side and I by hers *smiles* So, this next month I am excited for it'll be Gaelic Storm and then my birthday which I still can't believe I am turning 30 years old! But I have no doubt it'll a great birthday and I will live on one year after another and another lol 

Hopefully my wrist heals soon, I recently sprained it somehow which is a pain in the ass and it makes doing regular things very difficult, thankfully it was not my right hand though that would make life a bit of a hell considering its my main hand. I'll catch ya on the flip side

ps: I am going to be working Thanksgiving so I am have my birthday off to celebrate it! And we're going to Flogging Mollyyyy

pss: Go see The Equalizer and also go see the movie Dracula: The Untold Story both we're great and I'd recommend seeing them in the theater


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