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Writing and getting paid for it, talking about theory of a deadman, evils of math


Hey everyone I hope you're doing good. I should be tackling a first blog for D & B supply, but mentally I think I've hit a roadblock. I was told it could be casual and i'd have my own voice but right now I am having a hard time finding it, that voice that says, "Chris you're kidding yourself", is yelling louder. As I write this I wonder if writers who actually have it made sometimes still battle with that creature? Does Dean Koontz ever get caught up on not knowing what to write? I'd like to say no because well its Dean Koontz and in my mind he's the best writer ever. After writing for a long time like he has i'd like to think writing block and uncertainty doesn't exist

Yesterday, I met at Rembrandt's with a representative for D & B supply, she found me via twitter and searching me apparently by typing in the words "chicken" and "garden", after that she took a walk through everything facebook, my photography page and not sure what else she came across but nevertheless apparently she was impressed by what she found prior to even meeting me. Over Twitter she sent me a message asking me if I'd be interested in writing a blog for D & B supply. I messaged her and said I was intrigued and we tossed some ideas around via email and  agreed to meet in person. I had no idea that meeting with her would entail a real job, my picture with a bio beside it, that I'd get paid to write? But that's exactly what it entailed! She shook my hand and offered me the job. Twenty five dollars per column and I could write them as often as my little heart desired! Only problem is now that I am trying to write and I can't find that "voice". This job comes with perks, a press pass that I can use at events such as one with the Idaho stampede and the wounded warriors and actually take pictures  

Putting this all into words still feels kind of like a dream, I am not sixteen years old with a weekly column that I write titled, "Around Eagle High", I am almost thirty years old and I'll be writing about history and can include my own photographs. On some level, I think there is that little kid in me who one day was told by a girl in his class, "You write ha! Not possible you talk too much". Not true anymore, I am giving that kid a butter finger and a big squirt gun to go wreck havoc with. Feeling a bit better, my first entry will be about the history of Eagle Idaho and the differences in buildings throughout the city! I am writing about what I know first than I'll be branching out even more. When I have a definitive location I'll let you know and you all can read it (whoever reads this that is). 

Now to reflect on Theory Of A Deadman, it was seriously an awesome concert. I've told Ruth a hundred times how much I appreciate her getting tickets for us to go and I'll say it a hundred more. They are one of those bands that I have always loved and clicked with as I talked about. She got me a shirt and an autographed cd, we didn't get to meet the band but I have their autographs and that is amazing. In her mind, it was nothing and she'd do it again and again and again...which is why she makes me feel so incredibly special. I'd highly recommend seeing the band live in concert if you get a chance. The major problem was that acoustics for Black Stone Cherry were off, we could hardly understand anything the lead singer sung. 

Math is still taking its tole on me but nevertheless I am getting it done and am determined to go knock it out of the park and get on with my degree and graduate from Boise State. My neighbor is helpful and working with him is helping a lot. I am determined more than ever to just get this math knocked out already 

Well with that I am gone. Time to get ready for work, I work today from 11:45 till 3:45 pm. Oh and of course go Boise State. I'll catch ya on the flip side


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