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Just a few days until Theory Of A Deadman, working?, 6 months, knowing when to fold them, calculus and tutoring


Hey everyone I hope you're doing great. As for myself while I write this I am also waking up with my first mug (which as many of you know or hell maybe you're just tuning in to this channel, it holds two cups), it is already feeling like it'll be a several mug or hell even a pot kind of morning. But at least I got up instead of resetting my alarm till later or intending to get up and actually laying my head down on my pillow and conking out. So its a start. Though god only knows I don't know or get how someone can be awake right away or live without coffee in the am? As for me I need at least some sort of fuel to wake me up so I can tackle the day! Although yes it is a slow gradual wake up process with this mug of coffee so the am between 6-7 am is fairly useless actually *shrugs* But at least, I've gotten my day started going already.

Tonight at work will be my third night working in the home department which I have come to realize that I missed a lot! So that is pretty nice though work is slowing down because we're wandering into Halloween...of course it'll pick up again here again around Christmas. Though usually I am going to Boise State and taking classes so I don't notice it when it really slows down instead I sort of relish things slowing down so I can focus more on my school work. Of course I am still working on that math class through khan academy which is going good though kind of slow because in ways I am realizing there were quite a few holes in my knowledge when it comes to calculus. I never in my wildest imagination saw myself working with my neighbor next door because I hated him and it seemed like the same thing vice versa but we're getting along fairly well. The biggest issue is that my neighbor cusses a lot so I find myself coming home and the biting my tongue hard against just dropping fuck and other words nonstop (I am winning right now but its difficult).

Tomorrow I am off of work until Wednesday when I am going to see the band Theory Of A Deadman in concert with my girlfriend Ruth:

 Over the years, they have done a lot of music in fact the very first album was purchased for me as a birthday gift by my cousin Josh, thanks to the guy working at the music place in the mall at the time who recommended it when he asked me what he should get me. I literally played that album over and over again loving everything by them. After that over the years I was just hooked more and more in by their music. Because they were one of those bands that seemed to be speaking to me through their music probably like a lot of their fans over the years i'd imagine! But still nevertheless I can't fucking wait for this wednesday. Seems we may or may not get to actually meet them though we will still hang out outside of the knitting factory afterwards in hopes of getting to meet these guys in person:

Badass new video for their song Drown 

My last blog was a sort of reflection on the fact that Ruth and I are still together and it was coming on five months at the time. It'll be 6 months the following week. There are some people you meet who come into your life that make it better ten fold, who help you to be a better person, who literally show you that some fairy tales are real...she's done all that and a hell of a lot more. If I am having a rough day, the fact that I get to see her later is enough to get me out of a funk and secondly she's always there to let me vent if I need to as well after work and vice versa. Real honest to god love is simply the idea of being apart from someone for even a little bit leaves a little part of you aching. Yes, she's happy with me being myself and even hanging out with friends but she is also perfectly content hanging out with them as well. Of course we also spend time together as well. I just love her so so so so so so so much. I know she reads these entries so I can't indulge too much into future plans but when it happens you'll know though 

Kenny Rogers wrote a brilliant song which seems very fitting for this next situation which came about. A friend came into our lives who inevitably dated someone else. At the time, she roped everyone around her into her little web of lies. The biggest lie that I just believed because well I wanted to, it seemed reasonable, so goddamned reasonable that I never could "look it up" online, that lie being Bon Jovi was coming and we're going to get to see them in concert. Even now as I write this I mentally kick myself for falling perfectly into her little fucking trap. Also I want to apologize for taking her word over the word of a great friend of mine, whom things may be rocky between sometimes but I consider him to be a brother! (so jordan I am sorry for believing her). At the end of the day, I foolishly loaned her twenty dollars which I don't even want  to try to get back from her because after that there is no doubt she will try to stick around in my life like she expertly did before. Not doing it, not going through that shit, nor am I going to let her have the satisfaction of me calling her a damn dirty ape (to quote the movie Planet Of The Apes). The song the gambler seems quite fitting so let it roll: 

Moving on from there life in other things is going great. I recently decided to check out an episode of the show Deadwood and would highly recommend it. I finished the previous season of Grimm so I am waiting with baited breathe for its return. Tomorrow I can't wait the show Boardwalk Empire returns for its final season (sadly enough), though I bet it will end perfectly. So, with that I will catch ya on the flip side


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