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Three months together tomorrow and I still get those butterflies


Hey everyone I hope all is going great with you. I was looking at the calender this morning and it hit me. Tomorrow Ruth and I will be together exactly three months. In the past, I've been told there is that honeymoon period in which you will feel like a little kid, the butterflies and everything and than it will gradually just stop. But of course that never meant you didn't still love the person. But with her, I still get literal butterflies and day in and day out she makes me feel like a little kid. I know counting three months as a landmark sounds well insane, but with us its different she truly is incredibly loving and incredibly supportive. We have so much in common and what we may or my not have in common we still get behind one another in that shared passion or love for something. Yes, here I go gushing again. But I ask myself constantly how did I get so lucky? She responds with, "Because you were yourself". I was myself because she was herself and I saw her for her. When I was myself she didn't shy away or anything she just was drawn closer to me. Everyday she looks at me and says, "God you're sexy and handsome". That past part of me is looking less and less in a mirror and asking what she sees in me, which I never thought would happen.

On the health side of things, Ruth has been tracking calories with me and sure we have our days of enjoyment where we eat something unhealthy or drink something unhealthy. But I am so proud of her she is doing it with me because she wants to be happier and healthier. I love her so much and I really do think she is incredibly stunning. Not too toot my own horn or anything, fuck it yes I am tooting my own horn but I am at around 154 lbs. Right now, I am determined to just trim up my chest a bit. I want to lift some more weights and get more into swimming. Essentially I am happy with where I am I just want to be more toned. No, I don't want to join any kind of world's toughest man competition but for once in my life I would love to at least have an eight or a six pack. Throughout my life, I have been there once but never solidly though. So, I want to get there. No, that does not mean entirely depriving myself of junk every once in a while. What i've realized is all of that is okay in moderation its just when it becomes excessive that all hell breaks loose.

A lot of this summer has been spent knocking out this online math class. I am so close to finishing it in ways that I can smell the success. The painful part is some of this older man its been so long since I have done it. Nevertheless, Khan academy is an damned good program and resource. Plus, when I am done I get an special box set of Casablanca (which as you know is my all time favorite movie), its an reward for me finishing this class from my awesome girlfriend Ruth

Currently, I am picking this up after a day of work and also seeing One Republic, The Script and The American Authors all in concert with my friend Jordan. Yesterday, I worked until about 3pm then Ruth and I went and saw the movie Peabody and Sherman at the North gate theater (it turned out to be a great movie, the writers really paid the cartoon justice and the characters) and followed that up by spending time just relaxing at Hastings. The concert was incredible! We showed up at about four and waited outside along with a good bunch of people than got to be on the floor for what really was an truly great concert. I loved the band. I'd never heard of the band American Authors before but they were great as well! Its the first concert shirt for a concert that I have gotten in literally god only knows how long. I'd highly recommend in the future you checking them out

Reflecting on yesterday spending the day with Ruth causes me to further reflect on an conversation with my friend Jordan. I told him that I no longer counted our days, our months together. Because its crazy I know because there is no way one can entirely know what the future holds. Just call it an deeper than real feeling. Just call it an unbelievably strong connection. Call it this constant never ending feeling of giant butterflies. Call it the way she makes me smile. I have no doubt that we will be together for many more months to come from now on

Next up is June 28th, we're going to The Boise Music Festival which no doubt will be incredible we're seeing the band Train, Sir mix a-lot, one of the singers of the band LMFAO and many others which no doubt should be a damned good concert. Secondly we for sure are going to Mayhem fest which also should be fucking awesome. Other than that I have no doubt what the rest of this summer brings except enjoying time together, spending time with good friends, getting this math knocked out, and just all around determined to make this the best summer ever 

ps: If you have never heard of the American Authors check them out!


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