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"Life has a way of looking up"


Hey everyone I hope all is going great in you're world's. On my end, I just started back for my first day at Boise State, only to learn that my GPA, is far to low to actually stay as part of upper division standing for my degree. Its not even a 2.4 which there would be a tad bit of leeway in between calculus and failing statistics no doubt its down to the grand number of 2.2. I know I haven't written a single entry in quite a few weeks to put it lightly and in between the past two entries they haven't exactly said a single happy goddamned thing. So for those of you tuning in and thinking, "Chris we get it life is fucking tough get the fuck over it!"

After learning from the main office where I was going to get my number that that was the effect and that essentially sure she could permit me but after reality set in and it was discovered that my GPA was so damned low I'd be booted anyway. All these years at school and this is what I have to show for it ironically if I out right quit I have nothing to show for it and secondly right now I am going to have to work backwards and correct things and get my gpa up high enough to actually move forward. Either way that is more and more time at this university and I am not getting any younger....hell i'll be twenty nine years old for fuck sakes and after that thirty the next year of course. So,either way I sort of feel like I am literally kicking rocks

Its tough that creature who I battled with in the past when things got really bad to not let that come out to play and flog myself...god only knows though in reality that wouldn't help I am going to avoid doing that. But seriously I don't know what to do at this point at all. Hell I wish i could glance into a crystal ball and see my future that would make this a lot easier...but alas of course i can't though

Wow Wow Wow Wow earlier I was really feeling down considering I wasn't able to move forward but essentially I argued my case. It went up the chain from there with Debbie the woman at Boise State who had oversight into the numbers thergo arguing my case to a higher power (her boss) and then I was accepted! I just entered my permission number into the slot and was accepted for Finance 303. Honestly I almost left campus earlier but decided to stick around to see if anything was going to happen. I feel like a giant weight has been lifted off my shoulders. Now of course I will just have to kick ass and take names with this finance class which I have no doubt won't be easy but I can do it!!!!

That's school in a nutshell. Other then that in the relationship department nothing going on there just taking some time for myself and looking to get back into actively working out. Doing a regular Out Of ADA Podcast but short of that nothing really that grand going on. Good bye summer its slowly oozing into fall

Catch ya on the flip side


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