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Now to continue with the scheduled programming


Hey everyone I hope all is going great in you're worlds. So, its been an while since I have written anything. On my end since writing that previous post I decided maybe I was too harsh on her and gave her essentially an second chance. We talked a lot and things seemed too be going great than she just vanished off the face of the earth...of course people get busy I understand that but after four and an half days of no communication I was done. The way I look at it is this if you're even remotely interested in someone make an effort to say something. Hell I don't and didn't expect an text every single day but something...anything I am an fairly reasonable and understanding person life gets hectic. But nothing at all is not cool with me at all. A while back I wrote an poem that I think is quite fitting here and I think this before message is fitting. The poem below is titled, "Let's Play a game called Communication"

 Its been a good while since I posted a work of poetry on here. This was inspired by an conversation with a friend of mine and no this is not a commentary on any one person just a general observation overall about people and communicating as a whole. Yes, i'd say there can be a link to actual relationships but this can also relate to friendships as well.


Go Fish 
Battle Ship
and so many many more

Rules known by heart
No guide needed to look up
Its all or nothing and you got this
A strategical genius is what you're

There is a game abandoned like jumanji  
Except its not make believe and won't reign in the animals like an circus entertainer
No its real life rules that should be ingrained but seem to be have forgotten
People communicating with their minds instead of their lips

I wish I was a vampire not for the love of blood
But so that I could read minds as easy as can be
Am I the odd man out?
Am I an weirdo in a silent world?
People annoyed so they keep it inside and pour it out later ready for a duel

Communication seems crystal clear to me like my reflection in a rain puddle
But it seems to be a game forgotten
Telling somebody else what is on you're mind this will go far
No need for a damn battle

Cut through the red tape
Open those lips
Let them know what is on the mind
No need for this metaphorical cluster
No need for this communication with hand puppets

I say enough is enough
Do you understand what I am saying?
Are you even listening?
Or did you crank up that music to drown me out?


In the end, I reached out there to find someone and this doesn't mean I haven't given up entirely I won't withdraw myself from things I will just be extra cautious from now on. I really honest to god would like to meet someone who likes me for me through and through *shrugs* For now I am just going to take it easy and see what comes my way but I am not going to look for it though

In other news in my life I recently wrote my name in to be interviewed for an lead position at Gordmans which one can hope I get the job though of course it might be unrealistic considering I am going to be going back to school here very soon *shrugs* Keep me in you're prayers with that respect it would be pretty cool to get the job at least and if I didn't try i'd never be able to mentally live that fact down

Recently I got back into doing an regular podcast with an great friend of mine named Ross. Its called Out Of ADA feel free to check it out here:, you can find our latest podcast and click on it and give it an listen on sound cloud and than it will go to our first episode before that. Overall its an show done by two good friends who talk about news, politics, video games, books and whatever else we feel like talking about at the time. Overall I would not recommend an child listening to it because we have an very sarcastic sense of humor and there is sometimes language as well

Mm and I am stoked for tonight going to an baseball game with some good friends which should be a lot of fun for sure. Too bad the summer is almost over and i'll be going back to school here very soon. Oh well I will enjoy the most of it overall. With that i'll catch ya on the flip side

ps: I beat the Tomb Raider game yesterday and it is seriously sick 


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