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"You should read it you're girlfriend will go crazy", let that freak flag fly


Hey everyone I hope all is going great in you're world's. I haven't written a new entry in quite some time because I've been incredibly busy with school which is almost over! Wow I can't believe it in literally three weeks I'll be done and I'll be back to Boise State; which I need to apply too be accepted into the upper division business department again here and register for finance 303 and business statistics 208. My boss described me as being a brain fogged college student which is too true these days if I take a break at all it feels odd like I am doing something wrong. On the side I've been reading a little bit of course and I got into the show Sons Of Anarchy which is a damn good show for sure.

In the tutor lab here at CWI some women were talking about Fifty Shades Of Gray and I sort of chimed in and one of the women told me, "You should read it you're girlfriend will go crazy and she'll love it"; implying first that I have a girlfriend which I don't and secondly does every woman want too be broken down and used? I know some live by the slave and master relationship and that is great and for those that do more power to you but not everyone does though. Its funny he he I had this discussion with someone else regarding the books and they talked about them like their was more too them than just simply that but their isn't though. Its the slave master relationship too the extreme she gets involved with a man who is in love with power and bends her too his will and than takes that one step further he uses her whenever he possibly can. No, I am not going too take this time to explore what I enjoy sexually but suffice to say not all women are into that though and I know this much is pretty clear

*Shrugs* Just some food for thought and something that crossed my mind and had to get it out there and muddy my brain less. God only knows I could be incorrect though and if I am by all means let that freak flag fly!

This is fairly short but I need too get back too work I have an calculus exam tomorrow than I am doing a mini photo shoot hopefully the weather doesn't go south like it did last week. With that I am out catch ya on the flip side


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