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Trains On Full Throttle


Hey everyone I hope life is going great in you're world's. On my end as the title suggests, at this point the trains cranked all the way too go! Only a few more weeks and my time at CWI will come to a bitter sweet end and its a return back to Boise State where I will wrap up my BA's in business administration and in human resources.

 I've made a lot of incredible friends while going here and I'll never quite forget how I initially felt like the new kid when I moved to Idaho and left Virginia behind that is how I felt when I first started out at CWI. Very soon though it began to feel like a kind of home of sorts, a place where learning could actually happen and I could make something of myself. No, this isn't exactly an selling CWI to everyone though I have enjoyed it here. On my friends side i've made quite a few great friends here and I am grateful for that because those are the people whom make when the going gets tough bearable and make it so that you can push on through to the other side so to speak. Not saying its been easy because it hasn't in between calculus and statistics its been an uphill battle. I am proud to say that on my second stats exam I just rocked a C which in the two times I took it previously that never would have happened because I just didn't get the material.

Dave Bergen is one of those teachers whom you hear all the bad things about but he is an incredible professor though and i'd highly recommend you take him for Statistics if you didn't get it before you'll have a better handle on things afterwards because I was quite surprised I was certain I bombed my second test after I completed it and focused on break instead of the reality that I may actually have done horribly on my exam. In the past with statistics in class i'd say things that made it clear, "This guy doesn't know what the hell he is talking about"; and I am certain I was that kid that everyone in class groaned when I opened my mouth to talk because i wasn't adding anything to the actual overall conversation.

As far as Calculus goes I don't know what it is about that class but in ways I am getting it and I will probably get a solid C but I can already tell you that most of the stuff we're doing now I will not be able to teach another person. Susan Adylotte is a great teacher don't get me wrong its just the material is all  *shrugs* Oh well I will push on through this stuff and get the grade I need and get on with classes and be good to go

The photography business seems to be spouting whole new legs and growing on its own and currently I am in the process of saving for an upgrade which through talking to a tutor and good friend i've made here at the tutor lab at CWI; realistically its not that expensive to upgrade to a camera where I can switch out lenses. Only about 1500 so I am going to start truly setting aside money so I can scoop a new upgrade camera up. But, with my own camera that I currently shoot with i've found myself becoming what i'd say is a better and better photographer overall. One of the things I need too do is submit more of my work into different contests and start promoting and selling my work here and there.

Relationship wise I am single as ever; and for once I am truly not a rush to get back out there either. I don't know I'd like to date a little bit some and get back out there but not right now. School has more or less taken front seat to that whole thing *shrugs* We'll see maybe i'll find something this summer but on that front i'll be taking it easy on anything serious because just in case it goes to shit possibly I don't want to hit rock bottom like I have in the past because I know me now all too well that I get all the way into it

Over the break I saw the movie Olympus Has Fallen and it was incredibly disappointing and really proves that previews are there to sell the movie which isn't always going too be incredibly remarkable;. so now I am going to be a bit more weary about going to see movies in the theater. If you haven't seen it yet i'd say wait till the dollar theater/red box it is that bad of a movie. Rating wise i'd give it a 3.5 but is not worth spending a bunch of money to see in the big theater though

Ooo and recently as of yesterday gave the new self titled Paramore album a full listen through and surprisingly it's a damn good album. Hailey has such a powerfully haunting voice that just sends shivers down you're spine. Dido just came out with a new solo album and no surprise there it is quite awesome as well check it out for sure. Blake Shelton's new album i'd say is just okay it really isn't mind blowing like his previous album it is just so so

Well with all that said I am hoping off of here. I'll catch ya on the flip side



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