Hey everyone I hope you're doing great. On my end, I can't believe it's already February and this semester at Boise State is slipping by steadily; but successfully at the same time. Like for instance the one class Business Statistics 208 which I feared was going to be hands down the worst is going great! Hell in between my first couple quizzes and my first exam I am looking at a 91 % in class. Looks like the homework is weighted the most in class and in the end if the bigger lot of us in class get the course evaluation done he will drop the lowest exam and the lowest quiz. Right now I have three more exams left including the final and of course homework assignments but I have been working on those until I get the 100 %
Business Policies my second class for the semester is going great, I have a damn good professor and so far on the quizzes which he drops the lowest one and we don't have any actual exams until the final 80 % of it is based purely on the different quizzes we take in class. So far, aside from some of the math work which he allows me to have the formulas everything has been relatively easy because its building on what I previously learned in my classes up until now. The biggest thing in the class is a group presentation on a company with no write up but a conversation about their strategic advantages etc and the final project is a more comprehensive overview of a company and what they have done well and maybe our recommendations
Right now I am just realizing more and more that graduation is possible for me, up until now with how long its taken me here at Boise State it felt like a bit of a pipe dream but its becoming more and more of a reality. Obviously I'll focus on this semester at school but its funny I never considered where I'd work afterwards, I know I want to be in management and even more so in an human resource capacity where I get to mentor and help people. That is truly what I want to do with life and on the side focus on writing and maybe my photography considering while with school I don't have any serious time for either one right now
Once I pass these classes, I'll focus on getting married and enjoy a few day honeymoon with the love of my life than I'll focus on taking Anthropology of Evolution (for one more science class) online which I don't think should be too much of an issue after everything else I have taken throughout my long college career. Then I'll graduate
I am so damn grateful to those people who have pushed me to keep at it, thank you everyone. Well I'll catch ya on the flip side
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