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Still alive, Two years, wedding stuff, nearing the end of this semester, a year at Rc Willey


Hey everyone I hope you're doing great. On my end, should be hitting the books but taking some time to write a new blog entry. Its funny how time gets away from you and you come to realize you once again went a whole month without issuing a new one. I know I keep talking about how I will write a new one more regularly than life gets in the way with work and school and I forget to get on here and write one up. Its funny years ago this started out as an avenue to help me heal from past hurts and has helped me to move forward (just maybe because things for the most part are going more sanely in my life I don't feel the need to write these as often).

Today is the two year anniversary of being together with Ruth. I still can't believe two years ago I had basically given up on dating because I found that all everyone wanted was just a hook up and I wanted something more serious. Ironically I stayed on Meet Me, which by now god only knows has probably changed names and basically posted a photo of a military uniform I had collected and posted a photo of it on there and she commented on it. From there we ended up chatting all night like little kids and I had to work early; ie. at 7 am at Gordmans at the time. I recall all that day being tired but also not being able to stop thinking about this girl I'd talked to all night long. Part of my brain of course screamed at me, "It was one conversation she probably just will forget about it before long", nevertheless we ended up texting off and on that day and eventually decided to set up a first date. We ended up going to Chilis and ordering some food and just talked about everything under the sun for hours on end. Till I believe our waiter finally kindly said was there anything he could possibly get for us...of course, there wasn't we were just enjoying spending time together. Shortly we both basically admitted that life without one another would be fairly boring. Still part of me, kept telling myself this was going to end but it never did. Fast forward too today, we're planning our wedding for next year June 16th! She still makes me feel like a little kid so crazy in love

Wedding stuff wise I won't give too much away and nor will I be making a mass group invite to the wedding on Facebook. Those of you who're invited will be receiving actual invitations, yes we narrowed down a list to the most important people in our lives who we both felt largely impacted things. Yes, I have no doubt there will be a few uninvited who will show their faces but that can't be stopped I guess. Either way I am excited as hell. It'll be a Humphrey Bogart themed wedding. We each picked out one another's wedding rings and we have the money put down on the location. Once we figure out how many people are coming we'll decide on food and how big of a cake we need

Can't believe I am nearing the end of another semester at Boise State, I got a good feeling about Logic. Right now I am sitting on the edge of a C and a D but I have no doubt this teacher will take into consideration how much progress I have made overall when deciding the final grade in the class. After this depending upon whether I can appeal the course catalogue which I think I will be able too successfully I will either have two or three more classes left till I graduate. Hopefully depending upon when the rest of the classes I need are offered I'll be able to graduate in a year! I am so grateful for incredible teachers and a loving fiancé and awesome parents who all pushed me when I felt doubtful about college

Yesterday, was exactly one year at Rc Willey and I couldn't be happier. I still can't quite believe I hung up the hat and left Gordmans but I am happy that I did. Its funny how you think to yourself you're not capable so you stay somewhere else. I'll never forget interviewing for the job of warehouse and being offered the job for the office. I love where I work. Nothing quite like working with incredible people, and bosses who really make you feel like you're not just part of the clog but one of the wheels stopping the car from crashing. Of course there are some days where I just want to say really dude? But other than that I have lots of awesome regulars who make my job so much easier. Eventually, I know I will no longer be greeting and its funny how much I will miss it. I will miss being able to watch the sky change

Well I am going to hop off of here and get to work. Hope you're doing great. I'll catch you on the flip side

ps: May be part of a movie podcast, will let you know more details as something more solid gets formulated

pss: If all holds together on Friday will be going to a free X-Show for Aletas Way and several other awesome bands

psss: Other than that school and more school almost there 


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