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A Healthier Me + More stuff


Hey everyone I hope all is going great with you. Breakfast eaten, weeds pulled this morning while listening to the latest AMC news podcast (listening to a lot of podcasts lately while working they make doing the yard work that is essential go by fast). Now relaxing drinking an mug of green tea, I can't believe I was so late to the party! I like my tea steeped a bit more but if its good green tea you don't need any honey or anything else. The one issue with Green Tea, is that you have to go to the bathroom a lot more than say when you drink a good amount of coffee *shrugs* I know there are those out there who know exactly what I am talking about 

Three weeks into my new job, I am still loving it! I work with some great people who really are helpful and have continued to make me feel welcome. There was no initial awkward initiation period like there usually is with a new job or a new group setting. Plus it helps that I have become more comfortable with myself, like for instance when they have me greeting if a great song is on the radio I will inevitably sing out loud or dance a little bit along with it. No, I don't have an amazing singing voice and hell I will definitely never be part of some dancing duo on a show like Dancing With The Stars...unless its the "I can't dance and don't give a fuck". Of course the f word would never make it to network television so it would have to be more tamed but you get the idea though. All signed up for benefits which in six months will officially be in full swing, one hundred and fifty bucks out of two paychecks isn't bad at all *smiles* Oh and the last two times I have cashiered I have been on to the T with my drawer and nothing needed to be corrected in the way of different payment types. Give me six months and I have a feeling that while this whole system is new to me, they use MS dos for everything i'll have it all down or most of it 

On Tuesday, my day off from work Ruth and I went and saw the new Avengers movie. I actually expected it to be a letdown because how much everyone was talking about how incredible it was (movie of the year kind of thing) and a few coworkers were lukewarm about it. But it was not a letdown, in fact I'd say it was even better than the first Avengers movie. I am not going to spoil anything here but I will say this I love that you feel like you get to know everyone more beyond just their super hero personas. I'd give it five plus stars and highly recommend seeing it on a big screen and its one of those for sure to purchase movies when it comes out on DVD. 

Several weeks ago I stepped onto a scale and noticed that I was now weighing in at 175 lbs and had gained some unhealthy fat around my middle. Since then I have been focusing more on what I have been eating, drinking the occasional energy drink but less and less though, and for the most part have managed to cut soda out entirely. I've added in Green Tea which as mentioned above I am loving and it also is beyond healthy for you. Sometimes I crave something sweet so I will instead have myself some green tea because it is sweet and isn't going to add pounds on. With my friend Randy and I's work schedule usually basketball doesn't exactly work out so I am determined to get into shape myself! Getting up and going for a walk prior to work, and also adding in shooting hoops (so I can get better before I inevitably get my ass handed to me and also so I am in great shape and don't get easily worn out). Even shooting hoops for a couple of hours is very good for you and burns a good amount of calories because you use every bit of your body to do so 

Budgeting is something I struggle with and have struggled with over the years but with the help of my love Ruth I am doing better with it and will do better as a whole. I am determined to pay off my dental bill and my new watch bill and from there start balancing out money for different bills and some for entertainment and also setting aside money for a new house and also a wedding for us. Its going to be a constant struggle but I can do it, I can resist spending it on frivolous stuff 

Well a fairly short update on things, but I need to shave for the day and get ready for work at one pm. Hope everyone has a great weekend. I'll catch ya on the flip side   


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