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A New Adventure, new dead sara album, last day, special edition casablanca, fast and furious 7 rocked


Hey everyone I hope all is going great with you. On my end, I am giving the new Dead Sara album a listen to while writing this, and so far its pretty damn good. As a whole i'd highly recommend Pleasure To Meet You. Yesterday, I worked a whole four hours and walked out  the door of Gordmans after giving my boss a hug and her promising to finish completing a letter of recommendation for me. Plus throughout the day people I had worked with over different periods of the whole three years that I worked there paused to say good bye and sincerely said they'd miss me. As a sort of send off to things, I went out to dinner at Chili's with my love and to celebrate a sort of sad close to things we had great food and drinks

Yesterday evening I opened up the special edition of the movie Casablanca which is so fucking awesome. For all of those who follow me at all you know I am a die hard fan of the movie and Humphrey Bogart and I also call my beautiful fiance Bacall. The whole set was purchased in advance for me by my lovely finance (its so cool thank you baby) of some kind of conclusion coming about with the evil calculus and after meeting with the psychologist the other evening we have a great feeling. Overall, he seems like a good guy and I have no doubt we'll meet together and I will take the test than be able to take it right back to Boise State and take these final two classes I need to graduate

Before I detour to much from the headline, here it goes. I can't wait until tomorrow to start my new job at Rc Willey's. As things go along of course I will be talking about it and how it is going so you will be in the loop. For sure do come in and say hello, in the beginning i'll be learning the ropes of everything in the store before kicking ass and taking names in the way of taking and passing the lead test *smiles* I am determined to learn the ropes and knock it out as soon as possible but at the same time when fully know everything there is to know and more

In the past blog, I talked about going to see Fast and Furious 7 and I am happy to report it was just as great as I said it would be. It was a truly great movie. Yes, it like the other movies forces you to take a step back from reality but that's the fast and furious movies nevertheless it is an damned good franchise. After seeing the movie I definitely want to eventually own all the movies in the series because it is great from beginning to the end. Its surreal to think that Paul Walker is gone and the final tribute to him is so beyond perfect I guarantee that you will cry a little bit or a lot

Well with that I am out for the evening, hope you have a great week. I'll catch ya on the flip side

ps: Jordan Anderson you were right my friend, a new blog was unknowingly brewing inside my head


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