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Seether, Entering photos in the contest at the fair, Ruth and I, and a whole lot more


Hey everyone I hope all is going great in your worlds. On my end, its surreal to think that as time draws closer to when I would have been signing up for classes at Boise State I am not doing it this semester. Its so hard because I am so damned close to graduating, but still haven't won this battle with calculus. Right now I am getting tutoring from my next door neighbor in calculus and getting this calculus done. My plan is too work on it during when I would be going to school and then testing out of it at CWI and returning back to Boise State ready to kick ass and take names! As I wrote last time as well it helps having such a loving supportive girl by my side, Ruth has been nothing short of a godsend pushing me and being there right by my side. There is no doubt that everyday I spend with her she is a keeper and I find myself loving her more and more every single day

A few days ago, I took a break from the nonstop working (working at least 40 plus hrs just this week alone) and Ruth and I went to the fair together. Leading up to the fair, with time now on my side I edited some photographs and entered them into the contest. Prior to us going to the fair together I'd been on the edge of my toes and saw people posting their victories, and thought hopefully that I'd won! Hell anything would have been nice. We went there to the fair together and looked around and eventually made it to the building where they had the photography contest entries. Eventually found my photos and didn't find a single ribbon pinned to them...I felt down as hell because I didn't win anything but my girlfriend was right there to say, "Hey you're a great photographer...there is always next year". Suffice to say, in the end I didn't win and felt down at first but she's right there were a ton of great entries and I intend to enter every single year until I win and even after that. All I can do is really improve with my photography and intend to use this time to go out and do some shooting. Hopefully plan to at least do something every single month with related to photography, just get out and shoot a little bit here and there

Its August 23rd and I can't believe Ruth and I have been together for five months so far and very soon it'll be six months come September 14th. As I wrote in a previous entry things are still going incredibly well between us. Unlike in the past I feel special to be with someone whom I can communicate with about everything under the sun. If something is frustrating one of us we bring it up and talk to the other person and we work that out. In the past, I've been in relationships where its about fighting and defending the other persons case but there is none of that here. Still today I can be feeling down and she's right there to lift me up one and vice versa. My mom a while back said, "You two work well together", she's right we really do work well together. I have no doubt that we will be together for a lot longer! In fact, I have some big plans up my sleeve for something (Ruth reads this so I will maybe post a random something somewhere else as we get closer to a certain thing).

Oh we also saw the band Seether in concert at the fair and it was amazing! If you have never seen them live they really do put on one hell of a great show. I'd definitely go see them again if they ever come here or somwhere nearby. So much energy and it was great seeing them with my girlfriend Ruth. Next on our concert agenda of course is Theory Of A Deadman in September and maybe an additional one (can't talk about yet). For sure as we get close to my birthday Ruth and I are going to see Gaelic Storm on November 16th at the Knitting Factory my folks are getting us a pair of tickets. I am stoked as hell for Theory Of A Deadman, and I am stoked as hell for Gaelic Storm in concert.

Random just finished watching the latest and final episode of the BBC show Sherlock which I sort of avoided like the plague to begin with but it was incredible. I can't believe I have to wait a whole year for new episodes. My girlfriend was right its a damned good show. So, if you have never seen it check it out you will not be dissapointed by it

Well here is an update to things, I am off to work here soon which is picking up thankfully with a lot more hours. I'll catch you on the flip side


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