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Hello world...another semester almost over and fighting a daily battle


Hey everyone I hope you're doing well. On my end, I have been busy with school and also working quite a bit more at Gordmans. I had intended to write more and more but really its slowly slipped by the wayside. Its nice having passed up February its back to work with more regular hours. On top of that this semester at Boise State is almost over! Seriously it feels like just yesterday I started up at Boise State for yet another semester. Overall this semester is going incredibly well and I feel like I really will end up passing both my classes. Calculus is basically on the back burner but this summer with the help my good friend Wade I am going to knock everything out and go take my exam and knock it out of the park. After that I basically will have literally just two more classes and then I will have a ba in business administration and a ba in human resources?!? Holy shit its been a hard battle and I have failed at times but I its actually happening though.

On the relationship front, I am still single and basically working on me. At times there is that voice that part of me that feels like wallowing over being single but I have to bitch slap him. Yes, I am lonely at times but at the same time I'd rather find someone that really likes me for me and that I can be friends with and something more. Its been a long road but this next year I am turning thirty years old I am not interested in just a short term fix. Right now what I want out of life is a long term relationship with someone I can see myself spending the rest of my natural life with (yes, I know that probably sounds nuts but I am not exactly getting any younger either). Secondly, I have also accepted that if that involves being involved with someone whom already has kids of their own (as much as I want my own kids), I'd actually be quite content with that. It has taken me a long time to come to those terms but in reality there is nothing that gives me more joy than spending time with my niece and nephew. Mm and if by extension I am obviously not the dad but I become someone's dad I'd love that

Several grand later, I paid off my dentist bills and got my teeth taken care of. It feels great I have found a dentist office I love. In a few months, I will be back for a regular cleaning. So with that being paid off, I am currently saving up so I can buy a new camera. I love my Nikon cool pix it has really netted me some incredible images and continues to do so. But I want more than anything to purchase a new Nikon slr, right now I don't have 1700 so I can't begin to buy the latest...7000 but I am saving up to buy the Nikon d5200. Yes, its a plastic lens, but at the same time it feels good because I will have purchased it and it is no doubt much better than what I have right now. So far, I have saved up around four hundred dollars and am constantly setting money aside for it...hoping this summer to be able to do more photography 

A few entries ago, I dedicated an entire blog to talking about the constant battle of eating healthy and getting into better shape. Yes, I know I am not getting in better shape for anyone in particular. But I don't want to have diabetes in life which runs in the family and I want to be healthy and be in better shape overall. Right now I am sitting at around 162 lbs...but sometimes like last night I wander back to my old habits. Though I have been hitting the pool at the gym and am trying to actively work out more. This summer, I am planning to get out and do more hiking so that will certainly be good and also swim more as well! So here is to being healthier and happier

Oh I am stoked this summer I am taking a trip to Florida with my friend Jordan and am going to be saving up money for that trip as well. But we're planning to go to Disney World (which will be a hell of a lot of fun), and secondly going to go see One Republic and in June which will be bad ass for sure. That's something I definitely have to look forward to

Well I am going to cut this off for now, back to work. I'll catch ya on the flip side


  1. Very nice blog! Always enjoy getting the update of your life!

    1. Thank you *tips hat* I try to keep these things positive but have kind of felt off to a degree. Nevertheless definitely grateful for our gym escapes, can't wait till the concert and the escape to Disney World


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