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An Long Overdue Update On Life


Hey everyone I hope all is going great in you're world's. Looking at the date of my last blog I just realized I haven't written a single one of these last month literally and the early part of last month at that. So time to delve into that thing called life considering I haven't written in this in a good while so consider this an update on the past and where my life currently stands. Its funny you hear that common saying, "Good things come to those who wait", and as you know these past months finally coming to terms and vanquishing my own negative feelings towards Jolene has been hard as hell considering how they ultimately washed out in the end. But I am proud to say I have come to terms with them and by no means would I go out to lunch with her or an dinner persay but if I did see her in public I'd be able to be truly civil and talk to her without harboring bad feelings towards her.

I just got back a few weeks ago maybe a bit more from an incredible trip to England with my family and connected with other family that I had never met. Of course I took a ton of photographs and saw a lot of different things and experienced so many incredible things as well. I realize that I am incredibly lucky to have been able to make that trip and of course I am grateful for having made the trip. I saw so much and experienced so much that its truly impossible to break it down and name a favorite thing that I saw. Hell I went to Stonehenge which was amazing, ate some delicious food, tried some good beers, walked through an old castle, saw a ton of cool old churches, saw the tower of London, went to the British museum. Not to sure who all I even have any more as potential readers but once I really get all the photographs from my adventures edited in their entirety I will do one just dedicated to just those images

As I write this, I am currently listening to the newest Black Sabbath album, "13" and it is awesome if you haven't checked it out you certainly should asap. Here is a video for the signature track "God Is Dead"; which chances are you have probably heard it maybe on the radio and thought this sounds like an older song...eyebrow raise but I am not sure about their other stuff though...go out and check out the album i'd say its even worth purchasing.

 School of course by now has wrapped up for this past semester at CWI (The College Of Western Idaho) and as a whole while I was hesitant about stepping outside my comfort zone and doing something new I actually ended up loving my experience as a whole at the school. If you have to take Business Statistics 207 I'd highly recommend a professor named Dave Berggen because with his help and the way he taught I managed to nail an high C in the class almost an B. Now the calculus was another story though and if you have an opportunity to take Susan Adyloette I'd highly recommend you don't instead go with Robert Harryman whom I am currently taking the class from in the summer time.

Over the past few weeks i've been talking with an girl who as I have spoken to some about regarding her she defently intrigues me and after this past week my cat dying she was there to make me smile and really cheer me up. Right now I can't say what will happen between us considering I said we'd only just been talking but I know this I am into her and she really seems to be into me. Beyond that I know that I have been through a lot in my life but with how she reacted in helping me out when I was crying like nobodies business that for me sealed an special place for her in my heart. The question is at this point what will happen with things? I can't say really but I am just going to see how all of this plays out *smiles*

Hours at work are not really getting particularly any better and they seem to have hired a ton more people which is frustrating but eh at this point I need to look for another job and we'll see the problem is I love where I work though that is the major issue. I am picking up a shift this Friday for sure! Well that is an update on life so to speak at this point its back to working away on calculus

I'll catch ya on the flip side

Chris Scott

ps: I am thrilled for the Boise Music Festival it should be sick I am going with my friend Jordan and his girlfriend and and my friend Scooby


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