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Move over Daughtry here I come me with a shaved head (cancer awareness month fundraiser) and coffee is a necessity


Hey everyone I hope life is treating you well. So, as the title suggests I got my head shaved yesterday for a fundraiser they were holding at CWI raising money for Cancer Awareness Month; as many of you know this hits pretty close too home for me with my dad battling colon cancer and not exactly being sure he was going to come through at the time and of course as I have talked about extensively as well my dad's cancer is entirely gone no side effects and or issues. I realize many people out there know someone whom was taken by cancer and or are currently battling it themselves and lastly know someone whom is currently battling it. There is no easy thing to say like it will be all right but understand their are people out there who have gone through the same thing and can entirely relate and you don't need to carry that burden upon yourself (I didn't exactly expect this turn in things, I was originally going to go slightly light hearted) but as many of you know these take on a sort of mind of their own as I write and still today I don't outline anything prior to sitting down and doing these it just comes from the mind and heart.

Taken yesterday after getting my own head shaved for Cancer Awareness Month
Personally I am not sure quite what too make of the whole having a shaved head thing and I also totally get why some people (obviously they just got their head shaved) run their hand over the top of it because it tingles literally that sounds odd but its true and it feels very warm. Short of getting you're own head these sensations probably make little too no sense at all. I know that as a whole my hair grows back soon enough so within a few weeks maybe even I will have my hair back to the length I currently wear it which isn't totally long as its funny I must be going through a stage in my life where I am like, "Fuck long hair" because if my hair gets anywhere crazy over my ears and longish I feel like its time too get a new haircut this isn't flying here. When in the past I know at times I'd let my hair grow out and be cool with it especially if I was incredibly busy with school like I am now. Frankly I don't know I feel kind of bad ass too a degree with no hair and rocking the goatee still which I will be doing but the other part of me is like what the fuck did you do man? (it was for a good cause though so i am glad I did it). But normally though I don't forsee myself shaving my head but on a positive note apparently I do look good with a shaved head so if as I get older my hair starts thinning I can shave it off and be good to go.

Literally as I sit here drinking coffee I cannot wait for Spring Break! Which as many of you know will more than likely be spent for us students pouring over my books and or working on this or that project thankfully I will have at least a calculus test under my belt and my next stats test is not directly after the break like some evil sadistic teachers do to you. Hopefully this time I get my grade back on my take home test which I went above and beyond on and I get a killer grade because last time the nit picky bullshit was so not cool (at least in my mind nit picky). So tomorrow its an stats exam at the testing center and next week is a calculus exam than come Monday the illustrious Spring Break commences.

Mm and it hasn't quite clicked for me yet I am going to England and I have no doubt it will here but probably not until I am on the plane whisking my way there and of course I don't have my passport yet so when I get that maybe it will seem more real but right now it just sort of feels like a dream that I haven't woken up from yet and just maybe if I pinch my face I will come awake and realize I am not going to England which if that is the case I would rather enjoy this dream while it lasts

On the romance and love front nothing new to report just taking it easy so to speak but i've certainly met quite a few interesting women and am more or less feeling things out and unlike last time not in a rush to get out there again and get my heart smashed beneath a mac truck; no sirree bob I am good for now

On the photography front, I am pretty excited I met this woman a few days ago on the bus ride into CWI and we chatted about everything and my photography came up she posted a comment on my page and a friend of hers saw it and followed that up by saying she needed a photo shoot so I am meeting with her on Sunday here to sit down and chat about photography and what we can work out together. Last year around this time the photography took off in a huge way this time I am just trying to tampen it down and focus on my school work

Well I back to pouring this statistics material into my brain *smiles* Hope all is going great in you're world's as I write this. I'll catch ya on the flip side

ps: So this morning I got up and took a hot shower and got dressed and came downstairs and put on a pot of coffee because I woke up at 4:30 and as the pot finishes on some level my brain must have been like, "Man no coffee needed" of course eventually it clicked and I am all like yeah i need coffee to survive and got my cup and the rest is history as they say

pss: The new Hollywood Undead album is great if you haven't heard it you should check it out

Psss: Ooo and the new Bon Jovi album rocks 


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